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Study Examines Music’s Influence on Aesthetic Experience of “Music as Image and Metaphor” Exhibition


Researchers looked at individual and shared preferences for different ways of speaking and singing.


Bruno S. Frey was the guest speaker at this year's Fechner Lecture at the institute in Frankfurt am Main.


Between the Shelves: Talking about Works, Thoughts, and Experiences Related to Aesthetics


Minister of State Timon Gremmels Visits the MPIEA


New Minerva Group at the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics


The Science Festival Organized by the Frankfurt Alliance Was a Great Success.


Study Shows: 5-Minute Finger Exercises Lead to More Creative Solutions to Certain Tasks


At the Roßmarkt, the new science network invites you to a science festival full of amazement, questions, discussions and participation.


New Study Identifies Three Groups of Concert Stream User


How a Team of Researchers Is Tracking Down Feelings With the Help of Dance Choreographies and a Specially Developed Software


“Tell me if you dance and I will tell you who you are!”


How can the brain economy contribute to the goals of One Health, a long-standing priority of the United Nations to reduce harmful environmental impacts on the planet and improve the neurological and mental well-being of the world's population?


Opening of the Exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main


It Is Not Acoustic Characteristics, but Personal Perception that Determines Preferences


Start of the New INHABIT Season at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics


What the Exceptional Composer’s DNA Tells Us About Genetics


International Research Team Investigates Whether Tendency to Experience Flow Can Protect Against Certain Health Problems


Cross-Cultural Study in 15 Countries Shows Musical Imprinting Influences How the Brain Interprets Rhythms


New Article in “Annals of the New York Academy of Science”


16 institutions from the greater Frankfurt/Rhine-Main region have joined forces in the Römer to form a new science network.


Research Team Publishes Literature Guide and Provides Overview on Current Research


Gesucht wird nun nach einer alternativen Unterbringung für das Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik



Multidisciplinary research team finds that incentives for online reviews lead to significantly more accurate overall ratings


Award ceremony with keynote speech at Lund University


New exhibition at Frankfurt's Weltkulturen Museum presents MPIEA research project on intercultural music perception


Hearts of Audience Members Synchronize During Classical Music Concerts


New Study Reveals Connection Between Dance Movements and Mood Regulation


International Research Team Expands Automatic Semantic Evaluation Methods


New Research Provides an Answer to Why AI Art Captivates People


Researchers Provide Review in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews


New Insights Into the Complexity of Individual Musical Taste


Scientific Video Library of Dance Movements Published


New Study Shows How Weather Conditions Influence Music Success in the Markets


Art can have a positive effect on our mood. But does this also work when we look at paintings on a screen?


How We Recognize Irony


A concert experiment by the Kammerphilharmonie Frankfurt with the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics


New Research Shows How Cultural Transmission Shapes the Evolution of Music


Live-Konzert mit Fredrik Ullén am 29. März, Anmeldung ab jetzt möglich.


INHABIT 2023 with Victoria Keddie and Andrius Arutiunian


New Research Findings on a Complex Relationship


Band 2 des „Lexikons Schriften über Musik“ erschienen


On December 31, 2022, Winfried Menninghaus’s term of office at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics came to an end.



No news available.



Aesthetic Responsiveness Assessment (AReA) Questionnaire Adapted Linguistically and Culturally for Iranian Participants


Public Lecture by Prof. Dr. Klaus Scherer Illuminates the Complex Interplay of Song, Emotion, and Human Evolution



What does the ability to clap in time with a beat say about a person's musicality overall?


MPIEA Co-Director Fredrik Ullén awarded with a honorary doctorate by Mälardalen University


New Research Report fresh off the press


Exhibition Opening at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main


Darinka Trübutschek receives a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Research Fellowship and a L’Oréal–UNESCO For Women in Science Award


The INHABIT Artist-in-Residence Program is heading into its new season


Behavioral economics can be applied to music-related decision-making


Melody a Crucial Link Between Music and Language, Research Team Proves Empirically


The Kammerphilharmonie Frankfurt Presents Pop-Up Concerts and a Scientific Experiment


New Findings on the Evolutionary Origins of Beat Synchronization


International Research Team Studies Neuronal Processes Involved in Piano Playing


Opening of the special exhibition "A Matter of Taste" ("Geschmacksfragen") at experimenta in Heilbronn


Hybrid Event at the MPIEA a Huge Success


Discovery Results from Innovative Methodology


Research Group Investigates How Audiences React to Classical Music Concerts


Have you ever wondered what the millions of neurons in your brain are doing when you ponder a favorite piece of art?


INHABIT’s 2022 Artists in Residence and Upcoming Cooperation with the Museum Angewandte Kunst


So, a metal head shows up at a techno party... pretty unlikely, right? Right.


Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics Joins Dresden Philharmonic Project


How Fingers and Brains Coordinate When Making Music



When we read, our eyes move in a particular pattern as we follow the text. This pattern is surprisingly similar to the rhythm of spoken language.


“There is strength in serenity,” goes the old saying. But the idea that our state of mind can influence the pleasure we take in reading, is new information.


Award Given to Paper on Reading and Flow


International study investigates the role of music in regulating emotions in times of crisis


How Does a View of Nature Gain Its Gloss of Beauty?


Applications for the Artist-in-Residence Program Now Open


International Study Investigates How We Distinguish Speech from Music


The Blog “beyond liking” Sees Itself as a Forum for Reflection on the Work of the Institute


New Insights Into Self-Evaluation in Music Performance


Fredrik Ullén to Head Research in Cognitive Neuropsychology 


International Research Team Finds Paradoxical Connection in the Perception of Emotions


Songbird Uses Musical Techniques Like Those of Humans


Aesthetically appealing art increases creative inspiration


New Journal Article Investigates the Appeal of Erotic Bestsellers


First Large-Scale Study of Feel-Good Films and Their Audiences


New Journal Article Surveys the Field of the Science of Aesthetics


International team of researchers identifies cognitive computations underlying human predictive behavior.


A New Discovery About Spatial Representation in the Brain


International research team discovers how and where statistical learning happens in the brain


What connects brain research and Frankfurt: apple cider, Alzheimer's or the appearance of squids? Find out here why all three answers nail it.


INHABIT, the artist-in-residence program of the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, is launching its second season.



Daniela Sammler conducts research on the neurocognition of music and language


Internationales Forschungsprojekt untersucht erstmals die Wirkung digitaler Konzertformate


Due to the increasing number of coronavirus infections, the exhibition INHABITING basis will not be publicly accessible for the time being.


Sebastian Wallot accepts appointment at Leuphana University Lüneburg


The Aesthetic Responsiveness Assessment (AReA) facilitates the selection of samples for studies on the effects of art


Neuer Band zu bildwissenschaftlichen Dialogen zwischen Japan und Deutschland erschienen


Remembering Wolff Schlotz


Sound artist Pedro Oliveira investigates speech recognition and migration


Over 350 music researchers from all over the world have formed a network devoted to the interdisciplinary study of music in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Launch of worldwide online study to investigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on music behavior


Artificial intelligence and 80,000 ancient Chinese poems show that constraint poetic structures aid poetry appreciation.


The second residency of the artist-in-residence program INHABIT just started. Media artist Lea Letzel will be exploring links between live music concerts and pyrotechnics.


New model contradicts previous hypotheses.



Die Forschungsprojekte des Instituts im Überblick


An Innovative Approach to Measuring Aesthetic Enjoyment


As part of the new Max Planck-NYU cooperation "CLaME", Joseph LeDoux (NYU) will provide insights into the latest research on the neural basis of emotions on November 5.


Let’s take a look at visual perception


Neues Artist-in-Residence Programm startet. Bewerbung bis 3.11.2019 möglich.


New Study Points to Universal Code in Our Brains for What We Find Beautiful


Powerful Literary Fiction Texts


A new study analyses varieties of beauty


Ines Schindler, Abteilung Sprache und Literatur, lehrt ab dem Wintersemester an der Universität Frankfurt


MPIEA scientists organize Humboldt-Kolleg in Tokyo


Interdisciplinary symposium results in a special issue on Eye-Tracking.


On March 12, the new Max Planck - NYU Center for Language, Music and Emotion (ClaME) in New York City was officially inaugurated.


Jahrespressekonferenz veröffentlicht Programm des neuen Netzwerks


Film and lecture series on the processing of feature films in the brain


On February 27 we welcome Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard for a public lecture on beauty in the animal kingdom.


A recent study puts the influence of the composer’s prestige on the evaluation of classical music into perspective and shows: The enjoyment of music is promoted by lively texts.



Neuroscientific study by an international research team sheds light on the role of the default mode network in the brain.


Erster Band der Reihe „Spektrum Fachgeschichte Musikwissenschaft“ erschienen


In June 2019 an international conference on fictional prose texts will take place in Brighton, UK. The deadline for submission is January 20.


Das MPIEA lädt zum Podiumsgespräch mit dem renommierten Jenaer Soziologen Hartmut Rosa ein. Das Thema - Resonanzen: Musik und Weltbeziehung.


Empirical study compares recited and unrecited poems with surprising results


Neue, groß angelegte Studie in Frankfurt erforscht, was Kinder beim Hören von Geschichten fühlen


Previous theories on temporal processes in the human brain need to be revised


Ergebnis des Planungswettbewerbs steht fest


As part of the study "Experimental Concert Research", the Institute presents exclusive concerts


Comparative cultural study contradicts previous assumptions about universal perception of music


Experimental event series presents performances in the context of current and innovative research


Fundamental differences found in taste for naturally occurring aesthetic domains and for artifacts of human culture


On September 14, we invite you to a bar evening from 7 p.m. with short lectures from our research.


A study from the Department of Neuroscience examines the similarities and differences between birdsong and music 


Wissenschaftler des MPIEA leiten MEG-Demonstrations-Messung mit Fußball-Legende Charly Körbel für „Begehbares Gehirn“ im neuen Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt.


Internationales Forschungsprojekt „Experimental Concert Research“ untersucht, was ein klassisches Konzert ausmacht 


New publication from the Department of Language and Literature 


From 2023, the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is planning to move into the building of the old Dondorf printing house in Bockenheim.


Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics publish study investigating eye movements while reading proverbs


New conversation series about the stories behind the official CV


Public lectures in the field of neurosciences - the Westend Lectures go into the second round. 


On May 6, our institute opens its doors for a program of short public lectures on the latest research projects and live music in the ArtLab.

[more] a paradigm in music sociology and cultural studies" / Deadline: 30 April 2018



First research report released.


A new study shows why we enjoy negative emotions in film and art


A new study by New York University and the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics shows that vivid pictorial language has the greatest influence on the aesthetic appeal of poetry. The results improve our understanding of aesthetic preferences in general.


New linguistic study shows that our mind links human sounds to abstract content


The human auditory system has preferences, as evidenced by a recent study of the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics published in PLOS Biology.


In the first Fechner Lecture at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Anjan Chatterjee focused on “The Good, the Bad and The Ugly of Beauty”. Professor Chatterjee (University of Pennsylvania) is among the leading international scientists in the field of neuroaesthetics. 


In der Nacht zum 2. Oktober verstarb völlig unerwartet unser wunderbarer Kollege Prof. Dr. Hartmut Grimm, Senior Researcher an der Musikabteilung.


Public Fechner Lecture on 24 October with US Neuroscientist Anjan Chatterjee, M.D.


On 12 and 14 September, public research concerts will take place at our institute to investigate the perception of music in the context of the concert. Interested people are cordially invited to participate. Admission is free of charge, registration is required.


On August 17th and 18th, the conference "Music & Eye-Tracking -What eye movements, pupil dilation, and blinking activity tell us about musical processing" will take place at our institute.


On July 12th we welcome the renowned music psychologist Daniel Müllensiefen to a lecture on the topic "The Psychology of Aesthetic Experience" at 2 pm at our institute. External guests are welcome and can register.


Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen des Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik präsentieren eine Skala zur universellen Erfassung ästhetischer Gefühle.


On 29 and 30 June, a symposium on Mixed Emotions and Aesthetics at Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics will bring together leading scientists in the field.


Poetic language is one of the most ancient forms of human expression. The presence of poems in cultures around the world and throughout recorded history suggests that it has a strong grip on human emotion.


The synchronization of brainwaves among students during class reflects how much they like the class and each other, a team of neuroscientists has found.


International Symposium on Neural Oscillations in Berlin


What can eye movements, pupil dilation, and blinking activity tell us about musical processing?


A new multidimensional approach might provide true understanding of the brain


New study on goosebumps published


First study on emotional effects of poetic diction published


New publication shows: division-of-labor, flat hierarchies and non-synchronous interaction can be beneficial



Das Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik sucht Teilnehmer/innen für eine großangelegte Studie (online-Fragebogen), die das Erleben von Schönheit untersucht.


Am 19. November 2016 fand in der Alten Oper ein Vortrag der Gesprächsreihe „Das Konzert in der Forschung" statt. Die Gesprächsreihe ist eine Kooperation des Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik und der Alten Oper Frankfurt.


Seit der griechischen Antike beschäftigen sich Wissenschaftler, Dichter und Lyrikliebhaber immer wieder mit der Frage, ob es in der Poesie einen Zusammenhang zwischen Klang und emotionaler Textbedeutung gibt.


Am 9. November 2016 fand im ArtLab des Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik eine Performance der besonderen Art statt: Schwitters’ Ursonate (1923) vorgetragen von Michael Schmid. Die Besucher der Performance waren zugleich Mitwirkende eines Forschungsprojekts.


In the framework of the Europe-wide project “CONNECT – The audience as artist”, the coming weeks see the premieres of two commissioned works by Huang Ruo (The Sonic Great Wall) and Christian Mason (In the midst of the Sonorous Islands) in three different European cities.


Paul Elvers, research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, received the second place at the »Best Poster Prize« during the 24th Conference of the  International Association for Empirical Aesthetics« (IAEA).


First comprehensive empirical investigation into trash films and their audience


We welcome Mrs. Yi Chen at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. Dr. Chen holds Ph.D.s from Shanghai, China, and Toronto, Canada, and recently was lecturer at Victoria University in the University of Toronto. She has been awarded with a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers for a period of 24 month by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, starting May, 1st, 2016.


The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics seeks to bring together refugee families and local families for "Playdates" during which the kids play and parents can exchange experiences.


Wenn Menschen eine Aufgabe als Team bewältigen, funktioniert das unterschiedlich gut. Je besser ein Team zusammenarbeitet, desto stärker synchronisieren sich die Körperfunktionen der Mitglieder.


Pauline Larrouy-Maestri, PhD, awarded by SEMPRE/ICMPC14


Scientists attempt to explain the enjoyment of negative emotions in art and entertainment experiences.


Researchers discover how the brain completes sentences.


Language that is metrically regular to an unusual degree is not only found in poetry, but also in the language of rites and festive events, in preverbal infant-directed speech (IDS), in slogans, commercial ads, etc.



New research presents evidence for innate understanding of language rules


Researchers find neurological notes that help identify how we process music


The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics opened in Frankfurt am Main


Musical tastes are changing and losing their links to social status.


In tune or out of tune – people with no formal musical training versus professional musicians.


The study investigated the effects of three experimentally modified rhetorical features. While they exerted an adverse effect on comprehensibility, they enhanced perveived beauty, succinctness (praegnanz), beauty and power of persuasion.


It is not unusual to experience strong emotions when watching moving film scenes. The emotions can in fact become so intense that a thermoregulatory response – piloerection, chills or goose bumps – can be triggered by the body.


Screams occupy a privileged acoustic niche to ensure their biological and social efficiency.


Special Issue CORTEX: Prediction in speech and language processing


Ever since Latin rhetoric and poetics emotionally moving (lat. movere) an audience has been identified as one of the major goals of the arts.
