News Music

Study Examines Music’s Influence on Aesthetic Experience of “Music as Image and Metaphor” Exhibition


New Study Identifies Three Groups of Concert Stream User


It Is Not Acoustic Characteristics, but Personal Perception that Determines Preferences


New Article in “Annals of the New York Academy of Science”


New exhibition at Frankfurt's Weltkulturen Museum presents MPIEA research project on intercultural music perception


Hearts of Audience Members Synchronize During Classical Music Concerts


New Insights Into the Complexity of Individual Musical Taste


A concert experiment by the Kammerphilharmonie Frankfurt with the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics


Band 2 des „Lexikons Schriften über Musik“ erschienen


The Kammerphilharmonie Frankfurt Presents Pop-Up Concerts and a Scientific Experiment


Opening of the special exhibition "A Matter of Taste" ("Geschmacksfragen") at experimenta in Heilbronn


Research Group Investigates How Audiences React to Classical Music Concerts


So, a metal head shows up at a techno party... pretty unlikely, right? Right.


Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics Joins Dresden Philharmonic Project


International study investigates the role of music in regulating emotions in times of crisis


International Study Investigates How We Distinguish Speech from Music


New Insights Into Self-Evaluation in Music Performance


Songbird Uses Musical Techniques Like Those of Humans


Internationales Forschungsprojekt untersucht erstmals die Wirkung digitaler Konzertformate


Over 350 music researchers from all over the world have formed a network devoted to the interdisciplinary study of music in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Launch of worldwide online study to investigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on music behavior


Die Forschungsprojekte des Instituts im Überblick


Interdisciplinary symposium results in a special issue on Eye-Tracking.


On March 12, the new Max Planck - NYU Center for Language, Music and Emotion (ClaME) in New York City was officially inaugurated.


On February 27 we welcome Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard for a public lecture on beauty in the animal kingdom.


A recent study puts the influence of the composer’s prestige on the evaluation of classical music into perspective and shows: The enjoyment of music is promoted by lively texts.


Erster Band der Reihe „Spektrum Fachgeschichte Musikwissenschaft“ erschienen


Das MPIEA lädt zum Podiumsgespräch mit dem renommierten Jenaer Soziologen Hartmut Rosa ein. Das Thema - Resonanzen: Musik und Weltbeziehung.


As part of the study "Experimental Concert Research", the Institute presents exclusive concerts


Comparative cultural study contradicts previous assumptions about universal perception of music


Experimental event series presents performances in the context of current and innovative research


On September 14, we invite you to a bar evening from 7 p.m. with short lectures from our research.


A study from the Department of Neuroscience examines the similarities and differences between birdsong and music 


Internationales Forschungsprojekt „Experimental Concert Research“ untersucht, was ein klassisches Konzert ausmacht 


On May 6, our institute opens its doors for a program of short public lectures on the latest research projects and live music in the ArtLab.

[more] a paradigm in music sociology and cultural studies" / Deadline: 30 April 2018


First research report released.


In the first Fechner Lecture at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Anjan Chatterjee focused on “The Good, the Bad and The Ugly of Beauty”. Professor Chatterjee (University of Pennsylvania) is among the leading international scientists in the field of neuroaesthetics. 


On 12 and 14 September, public research concerts will take place at our institute to investigate the perception of music in the context of the concert. Interested people are cordially invited to participate. Admission is free of charge, registration is required.


On August 17th and 18th, the conference "Music & Eye-Tracking -What eye movements, pupil dilation, and blinking activity tell us about musical processing" will take place at our institute.


On July 12th we welcome the renowned music psychologist Daniel Müllensiefen to a lecture on the topic "The Psychology of Aesthetic Experience" at 2 pm at our institute. External guests are welcome and can register.


What can eye movements, pupil dilation, and blinking activity tell us about musical processing?


Am 19. November 2016 fand in der Alten Oper ein Vortrag der Gesprächsreihe „Das Konzert in der Forschung" statt. Die Gesprächsreihe ist eine Kooperation des Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik und der Alten Oper Frankfurt.


In the framework of the Europe-wide project “CONNECT – The audience as artist”, the coming weeks see the premieres of two commissioned works by Huang Ruo (The Sonic Great Wall) and Christian Mason (In the midst of the Sonorous Islands) in three different European cities.


The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics opened in Frankfurt am Main


Musical tastes are changing and losing their links to social status.
