Externally Funded Research
Biological Anthropology of Literature (Heisenberg Position)
This research project is funded by the DFG’s Heisenberg Program. It investigates the phylogenetic preconditions of poetic behavior
Apparent Motion (Department of Neuroscience)
This study focuses on why stimuli are perceived differently by the same participants, and how this ambiguity arises.
The Prosodic Syntax of German (Department of Language and Literature)
Prosody undisputedly affects the choice of syntactic constructions and the order of constituents within a sentence. However, for German, neither theories of grammar nor models of language production consider prosodic influences on sentence structure.
Focused Information (Music Department)
Information can be better perceived, processed, and maintained when it is prioritized. This focusing can unfold visually, through gaze, shifts of attention, or through memory. But how are these different forms of focus connected?
Reading Time Regularity (Department of Language and Literature)
This project is concerned with predicting text comprehension from statistical measurements of the reading process.
Creating an Academic Discipline (Music Department)
This project explores the simultaneous establishment of musicology and art history as academic disciplines at the University of Vienna, as part of an education reform undertaken by Leopold, Count von Thun und Hohenstein (1811–1888).