16. January 2024

Welcome Fatemeh Taheriyan!

Fatemeh Taheriyan holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, with over two years of experience in research and biomedical data analysis. Prior to joining the group of Dr. Lucia Melloni as a data curator, she interned at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, Netherlands, where she collaborated on projects related to the analysis of fMRI datasets under the supervision of Prof. David G. Norris.

Throughout her research journey, she has contributed to various projects, such as presenting a data-driven method for denoising the resting-state fMRI dataset, analyzing the ABC (Arterial Blood Contrast) dataset, extracting and calculating morphological parameters of ECG signals, and modeling the Wind-up of the spinal cord, a phenomenon likely associated with chronic pain.

She is looking forward to further contributing to cutting-edge research in biomedical engineering, particularly leveraging AI methods to address challenges in the health industry.