Videos & Podcasts

How musical sounds, passing through the brain, turn into emotions – Seung-Goo Kim explains at the ICMPC17-APSCOM7 conference in Tokyo how this question can be answered.


Daniela Sammler

Episode 85 of the Max Planck Florida’s Neurotransmission Podcast – this time about neurocognitive functions related to language and music, how they might complement each other, and how we can record human brain activity during complex tasks such as playing piano while in an fMRI.


Daniela Sammler (Science) & Patricia Izbicki (Music)

The Science Meets Music series at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience unites neuroscientists talking about their discoveries and musicians giving enlightening performances. This edition presents “How the brain plays music” – both in the lab and on stage.


Daniela Sammler

The biological origins of musicality – explained at the BIOTOPIA festival “Senses” in Munich.


Daniela Sammler

Neural Bases of Piano Performance briefly explained


Daniela Sammler

Episode 5 of the new science series for kids “Sound & Science” of the Gewandhaus in Leipzig


Daniela Sammler

Neural Bases of Piano Performance


Daniela Sammler

Vortrag zum Tag für die Musik und die Literatur 2021
