Wednesday 10.07.2019 19:00 — 20:00
Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt

Lecture at the Museum Angewandte Kunst: Beauty in the Brain of the Beholder

What happens in the brain when something strikes us as beautiful? How much beauty is in the world, versus in the brain?


Edward A. Vessel, PhD at the Department of Neuroscience at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, will describe his work in the emerging discipline of Neuroaesthetics that uses brain imaging to study the aesthetic experience of artworks, nature, architecture and music.

The event is part of the accompanying programme to the exhibition Sagmeister & Walsh: Beauty, which will be on show at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt until September 15.

The lecture will be held in English. Admission 5 euros, concessions 3.50 euros.

Further information on the exhibition can be found here.