Jan Jokisch

Research Interests:

  • Drama history
  • Quantitative and digital literary studies
  • Methods and methodology in literary studies and the humanities

At present:
Collaboration in the DFG project "Forager Folklore Datatbase (FFDB)" (Project leader: Katja Mellmann)


Academic Education

04/2018–08/2021             Master's program comparative literature, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Final thesis: Epistemologischer Horror in der Literatur. Eine medientheoretische Untersuchung anhand von Richard Weiners Prázdná židle und Mark Z. Danielewskis House of Leaves


Master's program comparative literature and translation studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst

10/2014 – 01/2018Bachelor's program comparative studies/European literature/philosophy, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Final thesis: Die literarische Verfremdung des Alltäglichen. Versuch einer Neuinterpretation von Šklovskijs Literaturkonzept auf der Grundlage von Heideggers Phänomenologie

Professional Experience

Since 08/2022              PhD student at the Max-Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics - group Heisenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Lecturer for German language and literature at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Córdoba


Translator for DEFA film library (UMass Amherst)




Book Chapter

Jokisch, J. (in print). Should You Let Your Computer Do The Reading? A Discussion on the Benefits of Distant Reading for Literary Studies, with a Quantitative Study on the Development of Stage Directions in European Drama. In J. Jokisch (Ed.), Identities and Representations/ Reaching One Another: Language as Interface and Performance. Joined Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th International Students’ Conference ICON 2020/21

Jokisch, J. (2020). The Meaning of Art and the Absurdity of Life. In M. Lehmann, D. Schmicking, & A. Schulz (Eds.), Bounds of humanity : conference proceedings : ICON International Students' Conference (pp. 26-40). Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. 

Edited Books

Jokisch, J. (Ed.). (in press). Identities and Representations/ Reaching One Another: Language as Interface and Performance. Joined Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th International Students’ Conference ICON 2020/21.

Jokisch, J. (Ed.). (in press). The Appeal of Manipulation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Students’ Conference ICON 2019

Awards & Grants

Awards and Grants


Scholarship language assistance at foreign universities, DAAD


Full scholarship for graduates of all scientific disciplines, DAAD


Award for outstanding scientific work of the Gutenberg Lehrkolleg