The Odd Couple

Human+AI Real-Time Improvisation


Klavierkonzert "Roots and Relations"

Das vierte Konzert der Reihe "Ligeti 100" mit Fredrik Ullén


Klavierkonzert "Magical Machines"

Das dritte Konzert der Reihe "Ligeti 100" mit Fredrik Ullén


Klavierkonzert "Articulations"

Fredrik Ullén spielt György Ligetis Etüden für Klavier, Buch I


Klavierkonzert "Musical Vertigo"

Fredrik Ullén spielt György Ligetis Etüden für Klavier, Buch II


Reyna L. Gordon: A Genomic Journey to Individual Differences in Rhythm

Understanding Genetic and Neural Architecture and Implications for Human Language Development


Ausstellungseröffnung: Contact Zones — Murat Adash, Céline Berger, Syowia Kyambi

Ausstellung der INHABIT Artists-in Residence eröffnet im Museum Angewandte Kunst


From "Swan Lake" to Dancing Robots: Probing the Flexibility of Social Perception

Hybrid Lecture by Prof. Emily Cross, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow


Oedipus Rex in the Genomic Era

Online lecture by Prof. Yulia Kovas, Professor of Genetics and Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London.


Dance, AI, and Embodied Neuroaesthetics

Online lecture by Prof. Emily Cross, University of Glasgow


Growing Up in Academia with Fredrik Ullén

Building a Career Between Science and Music

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, November 1, 6 p.m. 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Fredrik Ullén, Director of the Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.
