Neurophysiological tracking of musical structure
Music, like speech, can be considered as a continuous stream of sounds organized in hierarchical structures. Human listeners parse continuous speech into linguistic units of phrases and sentences. Inspired by EEG and MEG studies on speech parsing, this project, in collaboration with Xiangbin Teng and Zofia Holubowska, examines the neural signatures of the parsing of musical structures and investigates how the brain extracts musical structures online and segments continuous music streams into units with ‘musical’ meanings. Our next step consists in examining the combination of tracking of units of different sizes and exploring the role of several factors (e.g., variability of the material, familiarity, expertise, etc.) on it, to enlighten both music cognition processes and neurophysiological tracking of auditory sequences.
External Research Partners
Dr. Xiangbin Teng
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Psychology, Hong Kong
Zofia Holubowska
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany