Events Neurowissenschaften

Hier finden Sie Informationen zu allen Veranstaltungen der Abteilung Neurowissenschaften am Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik.

Growing Up in Academia with Tobias Moser

Building a State of the Art Clinical Audiology Unit

Join us for a deep talk with Tobias Moser, Director of the Institute for Auditory Neuroscience, University Medical Center Göttingen. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Ausstellungseröffnung: Contact Zones — Murat Adash, Céline Berger, Syowia Kyambi

Ausstellung der INHABIT Artists-in Residence eröffnet im Museum Angewandte Kunst


Growing Up in Academia with Christof Koch

A Lifelong Quest to Unravel Consciousness

Join us for a deep talk with Christof Koch, Chief Scientist and President of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing up in Academia with Onur Güntürkün

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, February 28, 2022, 6 p.m. Growing Up in Academia features Onur Güntürkün, Professor in Biopsychology, Psychology Department, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Beatriz Calvo-Merino

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, November 29, 2021, 6 p.m. Growing Up in Academia features Beatriz Calvo-Merino, Reader / Associate Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU), Psychology Department, City, University of London.
Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Ida Momennejad

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, November 29, 2021, 6 p.m. Growing Up in Academia features Ida Momennejad, senior Reinforcement Learning researcher at Microsoft Research NYC.  Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Fredrik Ullén

Building a Career Between Science and Music

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, November 1, 6 p.m. 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Fredrik Ullén, Director of the Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Joyce Poon

The Importance of Integrity

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, October 18, 5 p.m. 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Joyce Poon, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Taufik Valiante

It’s Not a Story When You’re in the Middle of It!

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, September 20, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Taufik Valiante, Director of the Surgical Epilepsy Program at the Krembil Neuroscience Center, Director of the Center for Advancing Neurotechnological Innovation to Application (CRANIA) and Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar.


Growing Up in Academia with Daniela Sammler

The French Connection

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, February 22, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Daniela Sammler, Research Group Leader Neurocognition of Music and Language at our Institute (MPI for Empirical Aesthetics).

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar.


Buchvorstellung und Podiumsdiskussion: Bilder als Denkformen

Mit Horst Bredekamp, David Poeppel, Felix Jäger und Yasuhiro Sakamoto



Growing Up in Academia with Rosanne Rademaker

Sticking With It Through the Mess

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, April 19, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Rosanne Rademaker, Marie Curie fellow University California, San Diego (USCD), Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and soon-to-be Max Planck group leader

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. 


Growing Up in Academia with Asifa Akhtar

Optimism, Perseverance and Passion

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, March 22, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Asifa Akhtar, Director at the MPI for Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg and Vice President of the Biology and Medicine Section in the Max Planck Society.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. 


CLaME Event: Building sustainable global collaborative research networks

Organizers: Elizabeth Margulis, Nori Jacoby and Patrick Savage

Max Planck — NYU Center for Language, Music and Emotion (CLaME), Virtual event.


Virtual Lecture by Andreas Nieder: Sensory Consciousness in a Bird Brain

Prof. Dr. Andreas Nieder  Animal Physiology, Institute of Neurobiology, University of Tübingen

Location: Zoom Lecture


Online Lecture Recital by Stefan Litwin

New Music / New Listening. Music by Arnold Schoenberg and others (with special guest Nuria Schoenberg-Nono).


Growing up in Academia with Karen Zentgraf

Busting Sports Myths with Endurance and Dedication

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, September 21, 2020, Growing Up in Academia features Karen Zentgraf, Professor for Movement and Exercise Science at Goethe University, Frankfurt.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. 


Linguistics Flash Mob on language in the brain

Linguistics Flash - Mobs featuring David Poeppel, PhD


Online Discussion at APA 2020 Virtual: The Study of Aesthetic Experience

We are presenting a symposium at this year’s Virtual Convention of the American Psychological Association. You are invited to watch our talks online and to join us for some live scientific exchange with our discussant Ellen Winner.

Location: Zoom Meeting


Virtual Lecture by Viola Priesemann: Information flow and spreading dynamics in neural networks and of SARS-CoV-2

Dr. Viola Priesemann, Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen

Location: Zoom Lecture


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Catherine Tallon-Baudry: Subjective Experience and the Brain–Viscera Dialogue

Prof. Dr. Catherine Tallon-Baudry,  Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. You can join the lecture by using this link.


Virtual Lecture Recital by Stefan Litwin

Inside, Outside, Private, Public — Social Spaces in Beethoven's Piano Sonata in A Major, op. 101


Dare To Know Podcast on Noam Chomsky

Fabian Corver's Podcast featuring Prof. David Poeppel, PhD 


Virtual Lecture by Michael Kahana: Human Memory

Prof. Michael Kahana, PhD Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual Lecture by Hui Zhang: Memory engram during encoding, retrieval and memory consolidation

Dr. Hui Zhang, Abteilung Neuropsychologie, Institut für Kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Fakultät für Psychologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual Lecture: Rhythms of speech and rhythms of brains

Prof. David Poeppel, PhD: Rhythms of speech and rhythms of brains


Virtual Lecture by Laetitia Grabot: Alpha Activity Reflects
the Magnitude of an Individual Bias in Human Perception

Laetitia Grabot, PhD, Post-doctoral fellow, Bielefeld University, Cognitive Neuroscience lab

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual Lecture by Yunzhe Liu: Neural Replay in Abstraction and Inference

Yunzhe Liu, Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual fMRI Lecture by Renzo Huber and Faruk Gülban

Dr. Renzo Huber VENI-Fellow in MR-Methods, Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht Brain Imaging Center, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Maastricht

and O. Faruk Gülban, PhD Student, Audition, Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Departments, Maastricht University

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual Lecture by Joshua Jacobs: Neural basis of human spatial navigation and memory

Prof. Joshua Jacobs, PhD, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University

Location: Zoom Lecture


Growing up in Academia with Yee Lee Shing

Memories of a Memory Researcher

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, February 17th, 2020, Growing Up in Academia features Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing, Professor of Developmental Psychology, Goethe-University, Frankfurt.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Lecture by Diogo Almeida: The organization of speech sounds
in long term memory

Prof. Diogo Almeida, PhD, Associate professor in Psychology at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Director of the Language, Mind and Brain Lab (LaMB Lab).

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


Lecture by Ellen Lau: One semantic hub, two working memory systems

Prof. Ellen Lau, PhD, Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland

Co-Director of the KIT-UMD Magnetoencephalography Laboratory

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


Lecture by Jiyun Shin: The role of Perirhinal feedback input in cortical layer 1 in learning

Jiyun Shin (Humboldt University Berlin)

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Lecture by Bo-Yong Park: Cortical hierarchies in space and time:
How brain structure governs ongoing functional dynamics

Bo-Yong Park, PhD,  Multimodal Imaging and Connectome Analysis Lab, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


CANCELLED: The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition
with Prof. Kia Nobre, PhD: Temporal anticipation in cognition

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Kia Nobre, PhD is the Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology, Chair in Translational Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Oxford 

Please note that this lecture is cancelled and will be rescheduled in 2020.


Lecture by Yee Lee Shing: Episodic Memory
Across the Lifespan

Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing, Institute of Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt 

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor



Growing up in Academia with Moritz Helmstaedter

Not your „classical“ career...

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Luciano Rezzolla

Prof. Dr. Luciano Rezzolla, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University


Eye-Tracking Day

A one-day Symposium on eye-tracking research intended for doctoral students. Our goal is to create an environment for discussing different ways of analyzing eye movements, and implementing eye-tracking in various research fields. 

Organized by Franklenin Sierra and Monika Tschense


CLaME Lecture with Joseph LeDoux

Prof. Joseph LeDoux, PhD, Deputy Director CLaME

Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Science, Center for Neural Science, New York University 


Growing Up in Academia with Melissa Vo

Steering Aircraft vs. Steering Research Projects

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


CLaME Emotion Workshop

The workshop is hosted by the CLaME Center directors  Prof. David Poeppel, PhD (also director MPIEA Department of Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University) and Prof. Cate Hartley, PhD (also Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University)

Please note that this workshop is fully booked.

Location: Room 416–419


Lecture by Sabine Hossenfelder: Beautiful Theories

Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder  Reserach Fellow, FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Sciences

Location: Room 416-419


Growing up in Academia with Tatjana Tchumatchenko

Hard Work Alone Is Never Enough

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Lecture by Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel
Perceptual weights in loudness judgments

Dr. Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel, Associate Professor / Privatdozent, Johannes Gutenberg - Universitaet Mainz, Experimental Psychology

Laboratoire ICube UMR7357 Université de Strasbourg

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


Symposium on Prediction Error

The symposium is organized und hosted by Prof. David Poeppel, PhD, Prof. Lucia Melloni, PhD and Dr. Alessandro Tavano (Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics)

Location: Room 416-419


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Judit Gervain
Neural oscillations in speech perception early in life: the role of prenatal and postnatal experience

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Dr. Judit Gervain, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Uni­ver­sité Paris Descartes


Growing up in Academia with Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann

When life gives you Latin, make music out of it.

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Krimifestival "Tatort Eifel": Vortrag über "The Brain on Screen"

Über ihr Forschungsprojekt "The Brain on Screen" berichten am Donnerstag, 19. September Dr. Keyvan Sarkhosh und Dr. Alessandro Tavano vom Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik im Rahmen des renommierten Krimifestivals in Daun / Vulkaneifel.


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Nikolaus Kriegeskorte:
Cognitive computational neuroscience of vision

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Director of Cognitive Imaging; Principal Investigator at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute

Location: Room 416-419


Lecture by Prof. David Temperley, PhD: Information Flow in Music

Prof. David Temperley, PhD, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Tutorial on Git and Github

Tutor: Franklenin Sierra, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics 

Location: ThinkTank, 4th floor


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Charan Ranganath:
Episodic Memory: It's time to get real

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Charan Ranganath is the Director of the Dynamic Memory Lab, UC Davis Center for Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology, UC Davis


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Alexander Todorov:
Modeling Social Perception of Faces

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Todorov, Professor, Associate Chair,  Department of Psychology, Princeton University


Lecture by Gilles Laurent: Neural Motion

Prof. Gilles Laurent, PhD, Director Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Growing up in Academia with Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

From Physics to Zebrafish (with a Nobel Prize along the way)

What is it to be a scientist or scholar? How do I become one? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz:
The human infant brain: A neural architecture able to learn language

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Ph.D., Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA DRF/I2BM, INSERM, Université Paris-Saclay, NeuroSpin center, 91191 Gif/Yvette, France


Growing up in Science with Erin Schuman and Gilles Laurent

A Love Story. With Brains.

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Gastkommentar im Städel Museum

Kunst und Neurowissenschaften mit David Poeppel


Lecture by Julio Hechavarria: Theta oscillations and the coding
of rhythmic acoustic sequences in the bat brain

Julio Hechavarria, PhD, Neurobiology of Auditory Computations Group (group leader), Institute for Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Goethe Uni

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor



Die spielerische Installation Harmonic Dissonance: INsync des Kollektivs  DIKKER + OOSTRIK erforscht eine fundamentale Frage der menschlichen Natur, die gleichfalls im Zentrum künstlerischer, wissenschaftlicher und technologischer Fragestellungen liegt: Was bedeutet es, mit einer anderen Person „verbunden“ zu sein?


Lecture by Yuranny Cabral-Calderin: Combining transcranial
alternating current stimulation with fMRI to study bistable perception

Yuranny Cabral-Calderin, Brain Imaging Center, Goethe University  

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


The Brain on Screen

Was passiert in unserem Gehirn, wenn wir Filme schauen? Wie verarbeitet das menschliche Gehirn Filme – und warum ist das Sehen von Filmen genussvoll? Können Filme und das Filmpublikum überhaupt interessante Objekte der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung sein?

Was passiert in unserem Gehirn, wenn wir Filme schauen? Wie verarbeitet das menschliche Gehirn Filme – und warum ist das Sehen von Filmen genussvoll? Können Filme und das Filmpublikum überhaupt interessante Objekte der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung sein?

Video on Brain on Sceen by VICE / HBO


Lecture by Minjung Kim: A Look at Visual Perception

Dr. Minjung Kim, Technical University Berlin


Lecture by Elika Bergelson
The Nascent Lexicon: Word Learning in Infants

Elika Bergelson, PhD
Crandall Family Assistant Professor, Duke University, Psychology & Neuroscience Dept., Center for Cognitive Neuroscience 

Location: ThinkTank, 4th Floor   


Lecture by Kyoungseob Byeon:
FMRI analysis methods and auditory cortex parcellation

Kyoungseob Byeon, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Christian Doeller
Structuring experience in cognitive spaces

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Christian Doeller, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig (Department of Psychology) and at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU, in Trondheim / Norway


Growing up in Science with Jeremy Wolfe

How a summer job turned into a career in visual research

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Lecture by Jeremy M Wolfe: OMG, I did not see that!
The science of missing what is right in front of your eyes

Prof. Jeremy M Wolfe, PhD,                                  

Professor of Ophthalmology & Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Visual Attention Lab; Department of Surgery, Brigham & Women's Hospital    

Location: ThinkTank, 4th Floor       


Lecture by Stefan Debener: Towards transparent EEG

Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener,

University of Oldenburg, Department of Psychology, Oldenburg, Germany and Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, Oldenburg, Germany

Location: ThinkTank, 4th floor


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Nikolai Axmacher:
Engram reinstatement and the role of representational format

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher, Research Department of Neuroscience, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Workshop: Analyzing Neurophysiological Data with MNE-Python

A two-day workshop for exploring, visualizing and analyzing human neurophysiological data (EEG, MEG, ECoG) using the open-source Python library MNE  (


Growing Up in Science with Christian Fiebach

Love at second sight for a career in brain sciences

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Uta Noppeney
How the brain forms a representation of the world across the senses

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Uta Noppeney, PhD, Chair in Computational Neuroscience, University of Birmingham, School of Psychology


Lecture by Philippe Martin
Intonation, prosodic structure and brain waves

Prof. Philippe Martin, French Dept, University of Toronto, LLF, UFRL, Université Paris Diderot

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Growing up in Science with Wolf Singer

How a carpenter discovered his passion for neuroscience

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Lecture by Justin London: Where is the beat in that note?

Prof. Justin London, Carleton College Northfield, MN

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Lecture by Liad Mudrik: Studying the functions
of consciousness: what we know and what we want to know

Dr. Liad Mudrik, Tel Aviv University, School of Psychological Sciences

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Giulio Tononi:
Sleep: A window on consciousness

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Giulio Tononi, PhD, is Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Consciousness, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Erich Schröger:
From Fechner's Psychophysics to Cognitive Neuroscience: a case for mental models

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Erich Schröger, Vice Rector for Research and Young Academics, Leipzig University and Professor for Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Leipzig University

Location: Room 417-419, 4th floor


Lecture by Hyojin Park: Neural oscillatory mechanisms in dynamic
information representation during natural audiovisual speech perception

Dr. Hyojin Park, University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, is an expert on neural oscillatory mechanisms associated with human speech and memory.

Location: Conference room 416-419, 4th floor.


Lecture by Virginie van Wassenhove:
Making sense of time in the human mind

Prof. Virginie van Wassenhove, PhD

Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA DRF/Joliot, INSERM, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, NeuroSpin center, 91191 Gif/Yvette, France

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Workshop on Linear Mixed-Effects Models (LMM)
with Dejan Draschkow

In this workshop, Dr. Dejan Draschkow (Goethe University Frankfurt) will cover the theory and implementation of LLMs in R statistical programming environment.

Location: Art Lab Foyer


Symposium Understanding temporal expectations:
Controversies and consensus

Symposium, organized by Lucia Melloni & Alessandro Tavano

Location: Room 417

Everyone is welcome to attend. Registration is required for logistics. Please register by Monday, July 9 if you plan to attend: Registration and Symposium Program


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Uri Hasson:
Time regained: how the brain accumulates and communicates memories as life unfolds over time?

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Uri Hasson, Psychology department and the Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University


Growing Up in Science with Leon Deouell

He was going to be a physician but a patient with brain damage changed his path...

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Lecture by Arianna Zuanazzi: The intricate interplay
of spatial attention and expectation – A multisensory perspective

Arianna Zuanazzi, Computational Cognitive Neuroimaging group, Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham


Lecture by Christian Keitel: Visual perception and alpha rhythms
in the brain - new twists in an ongoing story

Dr. Christian Keitel, Centre of Cognitive Neuroimaging (CCNi), University of Glasgow


Lecture by Anne Keitel: How auditory and motor cortices
contribute to speech comprehension

Dr. Anne Keitel,  Centre of Cognitive Neuroimaging (CCNi), University of Glasgow


Lecture by Nina Kazanina: Going Mental

Prof. Nina Kazanina, University of Bristol, Experimental Psychology


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Leon Deouell
Seeing the Big Picture: Hierarchy of Automatic Prediction

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Professor Leon Y. Deouell, Jack H. Skirball chair in brain research, Department of Psychology, Edmond and Lily Safra Center for brain research, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Nicholas Turk-Browne
Rethinking memory systems for statistical learning

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Professor Nicholas Turk-Browne, Department of Psychology, Yale University


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with William Idsardi
How is Phonology different (from Syntax)?

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Professor William J. Idsardi, Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland


Growing Up in Science with David Poeppel

Director at the MPIEA, Professor at NYU, Graduate of MIT, passionate actor… Wait, what?!

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Visual Neuroaesthetics Symposium (VisNA) 2018

In this symposium, we will bring together the experts in the field of visual neuroaesthetics to discuss recent experimental advances and identify new directions for future research. The primary focus will be neuroimaging investigations of visual aesthetic experiences. This includes experiences with visual art, architecture, photography, sculpture, film and dance, as well as non-artistic stimuli such as landscapes, faces and abstract patterns. In addition, work using other neuroscience methods will be included as well as foundational behavioral or computational work that is informative for neuroscientific inquiry and theory.


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Andreas Engel:
Role of intrinsic and extrinsic coupling in cognition

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andreas K. Engel, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf


Neural Oscillations in Speech and Language Processing

Neuere Ergebnisse der auditorischen Neurowissenschaft zeigen, dass neurale Oszillationen sich während der Sprachverarbeitung mit den Rhythmen gesprochener Sprache synchronisieren. Auf höheren Verarbeitungsebenen spiegeln Zyklen kortikaler Erregung und Inhibierung auch Funktionen der syntaktischen und semantischen Verarbeitung wieder. Dieses internationale Symposium bringt führende Sprachforscherinnen und Neurowissenschaftler, die auf dem Feld der neuralen Oszillationen arbeiten, zusammen. Durch intensive Diskussionen und Präsentationen aktueller Arbeiten werden wir die Basis einer einheitlichen Perspektive auf die Rolle neuraler Oszillationen bei der auditorischen Verarbeitung und dem Sprachverständnis legen – vom Phonem bis hin zur Grammatik.

Dieses Symposium findet in englischer Sprache statt.


Michael Wibral: "The neural information dynamics of predictive coding"

Time and location of lecture: 11 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Michael Wibral is professor at the Brain Imaging Center of the Goethe University, Frankfurt.


Lecture by Nori Jacoby: "Discovering Rhythmic Perceptual Priors with Iterated Learning"

Time and location of lecture: 10:30 am, 4th floor, rooms 417–419, MPIEA

Nori Jacoby is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the McDermott Computational Audition Lab in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department at MIT, Boston.


About Brain and Language von David Poeppel

Nijmegen Lectures: (Un)conventional Wisdom: 3 Neurobiological Provocations 


Lecture by Frank Russo: “Oscillatory brain dynamics underlying perception of pitch, rhythm and emotion in music and speech"

Time and location of lecture: 11 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Frank Russo, director of the SMART Lab in Ryerson University, is visiting the Department of Neuroscience on the 9-10th of December 2015. On this occasion, he will participate in the IDEA lectures serials with the above talk.


Lecture by Richard Prum: "The Evolution of Beauty: From Warblers to Warhol”

Time and location of lecture: 2 pm, 4th floor, MPIEA

Richard Prum ist Professor an der Yale Universität in der Abteilung Ökologie und Evolutionsbiologie. Momentan hält er sich für ein paar Monate im Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin auf.


Neuroscience lecture by Richard Prum: "The Evolution of Beauty: From Warblers to Warhol”

Richard Prum is Professor at Yale University in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and will give a lecture about warblers and their plumage. At the moment, he is at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.


Lecture by Holger Hennig: "When the beat goes off: Synchronization in human musical rhythms"

Time and place of event: 9:45 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Dr. Holger Hennig is visiting us from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen from the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics & Network Dynamics Group.


Neuroscience lecture by Dr. Holger Hennig: "When the beat goes off: Synchronization in human musical rhythms"

Dr. Holger Henning (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen from the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics & Network Dynamics Group) is a physicist with expertise in image analysis, biostatistics, human musical rhythms and innovation management.


Lecture by Ulrich Pilatus: "MR Spectroscopy"

Time and location of lecture: 10 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Dr. Ulrich Pilatus is holding a Master degree in Physics and works as a Senior Researcher at the Brain Imaging Center in Frankfurt.


Neuroscience lecture by Dr. Ulrich Pilatus: "MR Spectroscopy"

Dr. Ulrich Pilatus is holding a Master degree in Physics and works as a Senior Researcher at the Brain Imaging Center in Frankfurt. 
