News of the Research Group Neural and Environmental Rhythms

İrem holds an Erasmus+ stipend


Lea is a student assistant and will stay until end of September 2021. She will support us in the lab and help with studies and participants.


Minju is a student assistant and will stay until end of September 2021. She will support us in the lab and help with studies and participants.


Christina is a student assistant and will stay for 6 months. She will support us in the lab and help with studies and participants.


Celine is a student assistant and will stay for 6 months. She will support us in the lab and help with studies and participants.


Keyvan joined for a post-doc position. He will be with us for 2 years.


Tara is a visiting scholar in the group and a PhD student at UCSD. She'll be with us for a year.


The Max Planck Research Group "Neural and Environmental Rhythms" is officially live as of 01 April. 
