VisNA Lab News

In Fall 2023, Dr. Vessel will be starting a new position as the Eugene Surowitz Assistant Professor of Psychology at the City College of New York.

CCNY, a part of the City University of New York (CUNY), is in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. In addition to relocating the VisNA Lab, Dr. Vessel will also be teaching courses in the Psychology Department.


Wie wirkt ein Kunstwerk auf seine Betrachter:innen? Und was spielt sich dabei im Gehirn ab?


Wie wird ein Blick in die Natur zu einem beeindruckenden Erlebnis?


Das Betrachten von Gemälden kann kreative Prozesse anregen


Ilkay successfully defended her thesis!


VisNA lab members met to congratulate Laura on finishing her Masters, and wish her well as she starts her PhD


The Aesthetic Responsiveness Assessment (AReA) paper is now out in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts


The VisNA lab hosted a Virtual Neuroaesthetics Social event at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society's (CNS) annual meeting.


This biannual International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA) conference has been postponed to September, 2021.

[mehr] featured VisNA Lab members in a recent episode of Xenius entitled Ästhetik.


The science communication website Latest Thinking has published a video featuring Edward Vessel entitled How Do Aesthetic Experiences Function in the Brain?


Ein innovativer Ansatz zur Messung ästhetischen Genusses 


Wir werfen einen Blick auf visuelle Wahrnehmung


The default-mode network represents aesthetic appeal that generalizes across visual domains. 


Studie gibt Hinweis auf universellen Code im Gehirn für ästhetische Attraktivität


In August 2019, the VisNA Lab headed to Leuven, Belgium for a conference double-header: VSAC and ECVP.


In May, the VisNA Lab presented work at the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) annual meeting in Florida.


Research in the VisNA lab will be featured in a Kulturplatz show on Schweizer Fernsehen (Swiss TV).


Dr. Vessel will be acting as a judge at the Deutsche Neurowissenschaften Olympiade on May 11 in Frankfurt


Dynamics of aesthetic experience are reflected in the default-mode network
