03. März 2020

IAEA 2020, London – Postponed to 2021

IAEA 2020, London

XXVI Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics

IAEA 2020 has been postponed to September 2020, in London. IAEA 20201 will be hosted by Beatriz Calvo Merino (City, University of London), Guido Orgs and Rebecca Chamberlain (Goldsmiths, University of London). We aim to create an inspiring meeting for scientists and artists alike to share work on empirical aesthetics from diverse angles. We have confirmed two fantastic keynote speakers: Prof Ellen Winner (Boston College) and Prof David Perrett (University of St Andrews). But keep an eye on our programme as surprises may keep coming!

Look for a submission announcement in early 2021. 

Where: Conference venue will be the City University campus in central London  and we will include exciting social events beyond the lecture theatre to explore the rich art scene in London.


Follow this link for further information about call for papers and registration:

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or Facebook IAEALondon2020
or send us an email to IAEALondon2020@gmail.com