
James Grande and Carmel Raz, eds. Sound and Sense in British Romanticism. Cambridge University Press, 2023.        Link

Russell O'Rourke, “Armida on the Beach: A Cinquecento Rhetorical Model of the Emotions and its Musical Reception. Forthcoming, Journal of the American Musicological Society 76.3

Carmel Raz, “Hector Berlioz’s Neurophysiological Imagination.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 75.1 (2022): 1-37.           Link

Caleb Mutch, “‘Something Else is Possible’: Transcultural Collaboration as Anti-Apartheid Activism in the Music of Juluka,” Popular Music 44.2 doi:10.1017/S026114302100043X.         Link

David E. Cohen, “From Ramos to Rameau: Toward the Origins of the Modern Concept of Harmony.” Journal of Music Theory 66.1 (Spring 2022): 1-42.       Link

Caleb Mutch, “How the Triad Took (a) Root,” Journal of Music Theory 66.1 (Spring 2022): 43-62.        Link

Carmel Raz, “Sound Minds and Tuning Forks: Neuroscience’s Vibratory Histories,” in The Science-Music Borderlands: Reckoning with the Past and Imagining the Future, ed. Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis, Psyche Loui, and Deirdre Loughridge. MIT Press, 13-29.

David E. Cohen, “Melodia and the 'Disposition of the Soul': Giulio Cesare Monteverdi’s ‘Platonic’ Defense of the Seconda Pratica. Journal of Musicology 39.2 (2022): 180-209.        Link

Carmel Raz, “‘To ‘Fill Up, Completely, the Whole Capacity of the Mind’: Listening with Attention in Late Eighteenth-Century Scotland.” Music Theory Spectrum 44.1 (2022): 141-154.       Link.

David E. Cohen, “‘Latet discordantia quartae’: An Early Natural-Scientific Explanation of Upper-Voice Fourths.” Music and Science from Leonardo to Galileo, ed. Victor Coelho and Rudolf Rasch. Brepols, 3-19.        Link

Carmel Raz, “The Kinetic Universe of Philippe Leroux’s De La Texture (2007):  Drum Rudiments, Waveform Profiles, and Process Polyphony.” Music Theory & Analysis 8.2 (2021): 327-340.          Link

Caleb Mutch, “Canons and Contestable Cadences in Brahms’s Op. 118 No. 4.” Music Theory & Analysis 8.1 (2021), 143-151.       Link

Carmel Raz, “Séances, “Sperrits,” and Self-Playing Accordions: Musical Instruments in Victorian Spiritualism.” Journal of Musicology 38.2 (2021).      Link

Carmel Raz, “How the Sheng became a Harp,” Journal of Sound Studies 6.2 (2020): 239–56. DOI: 10.1080/20551940.2020.1794648.       Link

David E. Cohen, “‘A Body Composed of Many Parts’: The Concept of Harmony in Leonardo da Vinci’s Paragone.” Music and Visual Culture in Renaissance Italy, ed. Timothy Shepherd and Sanna Raninen. Routledge, forthcoming.

David E. Cohen, “Before and After John of Garland: The Concept of Directed Dyadic Progression and Its Prehistory.” Music Theory and Analysis 7.1 (2020), 63-113.      Link

Carmel Raz and Francesca Brittan, “Attention, Anxiety, and Audition’s Histories,”  introduction to colloquy on “Music and Forms of Attention in the Long Nineteenth Century.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 72.2 (2019), 541–546.        Link.

Carmel Raz, “Talking to the Hand: The “Hysterical Epistemology” of the Migrating Sensorium.” Colloquy on “Music and Forms of Attention in the Long Nineteenth Century.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 72.2 (2019), 552–557.        Link.

Carmel Raz, “Operatic Fantasies in Early Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry.” In Nineteenth-Century Opera and the Scientific Imagination, ed. David Trippett and Benjamin Walton. Cambridge University Press, 2019, 63–83.        Link.

Carmel Raz, “Music of the Squares: David Ramsay Hay and the Reinvention of Pythagorean Aesthetics,” Public Domain Review, May 16, 2019.   Link

Carmel Raz, David E. Cohen, Roger M. Grant, Andrew Hicks, Nathan J. Martin, Caleb Mutch, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Felix Wörner, and Anna Zayaruznaya, “Going Global, in Theory,” MusicologicalBrainfood 3.1 (2019).      Link

Carmel Raz and Stanley Finger, “Musical Glasses, Metal Reeds, and Broken Hearts: Two Cases of Melancholia Treated by New Musical Instruments,” in The Routledge Companion to Music, Mind and Wellbeing: Historical and Scientific Perspectives, ed. Penelope Gouk, Jacomien Prins, Wiebke Thormaehlen, and James Kennaway.Routledge, 2018, 77–92.        Link

Carmel Raz, “An Eighteenth-Century Theory of Musical Cognition? John Holden’s Essay Toward a Rational System of Music (1770),” Journal of Music Theory 62.2 (October, 2018): 205–248.        Link

Carmel Raz, “Anne Young’s Introduction to Music (1803): Pedagogical, Speculative, and Ludic Music Theory,” SMT-V: Videocast Journal of the Society for Music Theory 4.3 (October, 2018).       Link

Carmel Raz, “Anne Young’s Musical Games (1801): Music Theory, Gender, and Game Design,” SMT-V: Videocast Journal of the Society for Music Theory 4.2 (September, 2018).      Link

David E. Cohen, “Rhythm, Number, and Heraclitus' River,” AMS / SMT History of Music Theory Blog, August 2018.       Link