Janniek Wester


  • Speech perception
  • Text-to-speech AI
  • Cognitive neuroscience



2011–2013MSc in Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2008–2011BSc in Psychobiology with honours program, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Seit 2023Ph.D student, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Department of Music

Research assistant at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Department Neurobiology of Language

2016-2022IT engineer at ING Netherlands
2014-2015Teaching assistant BSc Psychobiology, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands



Zora, H., Wester, J., & Csépe, V. (2023). Predictions about prosody facilitate lexical access: Evidence from P50/N100 and MMN components. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 194, 112262. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2023.112262


  • Sounds and meanings

    Whether it is music, speech, screams, or environmental sounds, we categorize acoustic information that unfolds over time to make sense of sounds. ...

  • Borders of "humanness" category

    Integrating synthetic voice interfaces into devices is on the rise in numerous settings, from living rooms to classrooms and care-facilities. Despite tremendous technical progress, synthetic voices still lack "humanity," in particular when it ...

  • Inferring meaning from vocal expressions

    Humans are, generally speaking, quite good at inferring meaning from nonverbal expressions conveyed by face, body, or voice. In a series of experiments, we explore the role of the task on listeners' inferences of meaning, the role of (emotional) ...