Prof. Lucia Melloni, PhD

Main Research Areas
- Domain-general cortical computations
- Neural mechanisms by which the brain predictively controls sensory processing and perception
- Brain mechanism subserving language comprehension
- Possibilities and limits of brain plasticity to restore cognitive functions
2006 | PhD in Psychology, Catholic University, Santiago, Chile & Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Summa cum laude |
2000 | BA in Psychology (equivalent to MS) Catholic University, Santiago, Chile 1995 BA Social Sciences and Humanities Catholic University, Santiago, Chile |
2017–present | W2 Group Leader (Tenure), Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Research Group Neural Circuits Consciousness and Cognition |
2020–present | Research Professor, New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, Department of Neurology |
2015–2017 | Director of Intracranial Neurophysiology, New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, Department of Neurology |
2015–2017 | Visiting Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Department of Neuroscience |
2012–2020 | Assistant Professor, New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, Department of Neurology |
2012–2015 | Research Scientist, Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry/Neurosurgery |
2008–2017 | Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Department of Neurophysiology |
2006–2008 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Goethe University, Department of Neurology, Laboratory of Cognitive Neurology |
Ausgewählte Publikationen
International Peer-reviewed Journals
Trübutschek D, Melloni L (2023). Stable perceptual phenotype of the magnitude of history biases even in the face of global task complexity. Journal of Vision August 2023, Vol.23, 4. doi:
Cappotto, D., Luo, D., Lai, H. W., Peng, F., Melloni, L., Schnupp, J. W. H., & Auksztulewicz, R. (2023). “What” and “when” predictions modulate auditory processing in a mutually congruent manner. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17.
Melloni L, Mudrik L, Pitts M, Bentz K, Ferrante O, Gorska U, Hirschhorn R, Khalaf A, Kozma C, Lepauvre A, Ling L, Mazumder D, Richter D, Zhou H, Blumenfeld H, Boly M, Chalmers D, Devore S, Fallon F, de Lange FP, Jensen O, Kreiman G, Luo H, Panagiotaropoulos TI, Dehaene S, Koch C, Tononi G. (2023). An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory. PLoS ONE
Mercier M, Dubarry AS, Tadel F, Avanzini P, Axmacher N, Cellier D, Del Vecchio M, Hamilton L, Hermes D, Kahana M, Knight R, Llorens A, Megevand P, Melloni L, Miller K, Piai V, Puce A, Ramsey N, Schwiedrzik CM, Smith S, Stolk A, Swann N, Mariska V, Voytek B, Wang L, Lachaux JP, Oostenveld R (2022). Advances in human intracranial electroencephalography research, guidelines and good practices. NEUROIMAGE, Jul 2;260:119438. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119438. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35792291.
Alasfour A, Gabriel P, Jiang X, Shamie I, Melloni L, Thesen T, Dugan P, Friedman D, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Gonda D, Sattar S, Wang S, Halgren E, Gilja V (2022). Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Human High Gamma Discriminate Naturalistic Behavioral States. PLOS COMPUT. BIOL. 18(8): e1010401.
Xu C, Gao J, Gao J, He F, Yu J, Ling Y, Li H, Li J, Melloni L, Luo B, Ding N (2022). Statistical learning in patients in the minimally conscious state. CEREB. CORTEX. bhac222, medRxiv 2022.01.04.22268656; doi:
Benjamin L, Fló A, Palu M, Naik S, Melloni L, Dehaene-Lambertz G (2022). Tracking transitional probabilities and segmenting auditory sequences are dissociable processes in adults and neonates. DEV. SCI, Jun 30:e13300. doi: 10.1111/desc.13300. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35772033. bioRxiv 2021.09.02.458702; doi:
Cappotto D, Kang H, Li K, Melloni L, Schnupp J, Auksztulewicz R (2022). Simultaneous Mnemonic and Predictive Representations in the Auditory Cortex. CURR BIO. 2(11), 2548-2555.bioRxiv 2021.10.08.463638; doi:
Melloni L (2022). On Keeping Our Adversaries Close, Preventing Collateral Damage, and Changing Our Minds. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (JARMAC), 11(1), 45–49.
Goldstein A, Zada Z, Buchnik E, Schain M, Price A, Aubrey B, Nastase S.A, Feder A, Emanuel D, Cohen A, Jansen A, Gazula H, Choe G, Rao A, Kim C, Casto C, Fanda L, Doyle W, Friedman D, Dugan P, Melloni L, Reichart R, Devore S, Flinker A, Hasenfratz L, Levy O, Hassidim A, Brenner M, Matias Y, Norman K.A, Devinsky O, Hasson U (2022). Thinking ahead: spontaneous prediction in context as a keystone of language in humans and machines. NAT NEUROSCI. Mar;25(3):369-380. doi: 10.1038/s41593-022-01026-4. Epub 2022 Mar 7. PMID: 35260860; PMCID: PMC8904253.
Yaron I, Melloni L, Pitts M, Mudrik L (2022). The Consciousness Theories Studies (ConTraSt) database: analyzing and comparing empirical studies of consciousness theories. NAT. HUM. BEHAV. Feb 21. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01284-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35190711.
Pu Y, Kong X, Ranganath C, Melloni L (2022). Event boundaries shape temporal organization of memory by resetting temporal context. NAT COMMUN Feb 2;13(1):622. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28216-9. PMID: 35110527; PMCID: PMC8810807.
Iemi L, Gwilliams L, Samaha J, Auksztulewicz R, Cycowicz YM, King JR, Nikulin VV, Thesen T, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Schroeder CE, Melloni L, Haegens S (2022). Spontaneous neural oscillations influence behavior and sensory representations by suppressing neuronal excitability. NEUROIMAGE, 247:118746. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118746. Epub 2021 Dec 4. PMID: 34875382.bioRxiv 2021.03.01.433450.
Uhlhaas P, Melloni L, Grent-'T-Jong T (2021). Dissociation and Brain Rhythms: Pitfalls and Promises. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY. DOI=10.3389/fpsyt.2021.790372
Hardstone R, Zhu M, Flinker A, Melloni L, Devore S, Friedman D, Dugan P, Doyle WK, Devinsky O, He JB (2021). Long-term Priors Influence Visual Perception through Recruitment of Long-range Feedback. NAT. COMMUN 12, 6288 (2021).
Lepauvre A & Melloni L (2021). The search for the Neuronal Correlates of Consciousness: Progress and Challenges. PHIMISCI, 2.
Vilas M, Auksztulewicz R, Melloni L (2021). Active Inference as a Computational Framework for Consciousness. REV.PHIL.PSYCH.
Sokoliuk R, Degano G, Melloni L, Noppeney U, Cruse D (2021). The Influence of Auditory Attention on Rhythmic Speech Tracking: Implications for Studies of Unresponsive Patients. FRONT HUM NEUROSCI, Aug11;15:702768. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.702768.eCollection 2021.bioRxiv 2020.04.30.070318; doi: 10.1101/2020.04.30.070318.
Leeman-Markowski B, Hardstone R , Lohnas L, Cowen B, Davachi L, Doyle W, Dugan P, Friedman D, Liu A, Melloni L, Selesnick I, Wang B, Meador K, Devinsky O (2021). Effects of hippocampal interictal discharge timing, duration, and spatial extent on list learning. EPILEPSY BEHAV, Oct;123:108209. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108209. Epub 2021 Aug 17
Melloni L, Mudrik L, Pitts M, Koch C (2021). Making the hard problem of consciousness easier. SCIENCE, 372 (6545), 911-912, doi: 10.1126/science.abj3259
Cappotto D, Auksztulewicz R, Kang H, Poeppel D, Melloni L, Schnupp J (2021). Decoding the content of auditory sensory memory across species. CEREB CORTEX Feb 24;bhab002. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhab002
Henin S, Turk-Browne NB, Friedman D, Liu A, Dugan P, Flinker A, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Melloni L (2021). Learning hierarchical sequence representations across human cortex and hippocampus. SCI. ADV. Feb 19;7(8):eabc4530. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc4530
Sokoliuk R, Degano G, Banellis L, Melloni L, Hayton T, Sturman S, Veenith T, Yakoub K, Belli A Noppeney U, Cruse D (2021). Covert speech comprehension predicts recovery from acute unresponsive states. ANN. NEUROL. Apr;89(4):646-656. doi: 10.1002/ana.25995
Peviani V, Magnani F.G, Bottini G, Melloni L (2021). Metric biases in body representation extend to objects. COGNITION, Jan;206:104490. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104490
Liashenko A, Dizaji AS, Melloni L, Schwiedrzik CM (2020). Memory guidance of value-based decision making at an abstract level of representation. SCI REP, Dec 9;10(1):21496. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-78460-6
Smith EH, Merricks EM, Liou J, Casadei C, Melloni L, Thesen T, Friedman D, Doyle W, Emerson RG, Goodman RR, McKhann GM, Sheth SA, Rolston JD, Schevon CA (2020). Dual mechanisms of ictal high frequency oscillations in rhythmic onset seizures. SCI REP., Nov 5;10(1):19166. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76138-7.
van Leeuwen T, Sauer A, Jurgut AM, Uhlhaas PJ, Wibral L, Singer W, Melloni L (2020). Perceptual phenotypes: Perceptual gains and losses in synesthesia and schizophrenia. SCHIZOPHR. BULL. bioRxiv 443846; doi: 10.1101/443846.
Leszczyński M, Barczak A, Kajikawa Y, Ulbert I, Falchier AY, Tal I, Haegens S, Melloni L, Knight RT, Schroeder CE (2020) Dissociation of broadband high-frequency activity and neuronal firing in the macaque neocortex. SCI. ADV., 12 Aug 2020: Vol. 6, no. 33, eabb0977. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abb0977
Vilas M, Melloni L (2020). A challenge for predictive coding: Representational or experiential diversity? BEHAV BRAIN SCI, 43, E150. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X19003157.
Henin S, Borges Delfino de Souza H, Shankar A, Sarac C, Melloni L, Friedman D, Flinker A, Parra L, Buzsáki G, Devinsky O, Liu A (2019). Closed-loop acoustic stimulation enhances sleep oscillations but not memory performance. eNeuro, pii: ENEURO.0306-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0306-19.2019.
Peviani V, Melloni L* and Bottini G*. (2019). Visual and somatosensory information contribute to distortions of the body model. Scientific Reports, 9;9(1):13570. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49979-0 (*shared last authorship).
Gabriel P, Chen K, Alasfour A, Pailla T, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Friedman D, Dugan, P, Melloni L, Thesen T, Gonda D, Sattar S, Wang S, Gilja V (2019). Neural correlates of unstructured motor behaviors. Journal of neural engineering, 16(6):066026. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/ab355c.
Michel M, Beck D, Block N, Blumenfeld H, Brown R, Carmel D, Carrasco M, Chirimuuta M, Chun M, Cleeremans A, Dehaene S, Fleming S.M. Frith C, Haggard P, He B, Heyes C, Goodale, M.A, Irvine L, Kawato M, Kentridge R, King JR, Knight R.T, Kouider S, Lamme V, Lamy D, Lau H, Laureys S, LeDoux J, Lin Y, Liu K, S, Martinez-Conde S, Mashour G.A, Melloni L, Miracchi L, Mylopoulos M, Lionel Naccache L, Owen A.A, Passingham D. E, Pessoa L, Peters M.A.K, Rahnev D, Ro T, Rosenthal D, Sasaki Y, Sergent C, Solovey G, Schiff N.D, Seth A, Tallon-Baudry C, Tamietto M, Tong F, van Gaal S, Alexandra Vlassova A, Watanabe T, Weisberg J, Yan K,Yoshida M (2019) Opportunities and Challenges for a Maturing Science of Consciousness. Nature Human Behaviour, 3(2):104-107. doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0531-8.
Henin S, Shankar A, Hasulak N, Friedman D, Dugan P, Melloni L, Flinker A, Sarac C, Fang M, Doyle W, Tcheng T, Devinsky O, Davachi L, Liu A (2019). Hippocampal gamma predicts associative memory performance as measured by acute and chronic intracranial EEG. Scientific Report, 9(1):593. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37561-z.
Alasfour A, Gabriel P, Jiang X, Shamie I, Melloni L, Thesen T, Dugan P, Friedman D, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Sattar S, Gonda D, Halgren E, Gilja V (2019). Coarse Behavioral Context Decoding. Journal of Neural Engineering, 16(1):016021. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/aaee9c.
Liu A, Mihály Vöröslakos M, Kronberg G, Simon Henin S, Krause M.R, Huang Y, Opitz A, Mehta A, Pack C.C, Krekelberg B, Parra L, Berényi A, Melloni L, Devinsky, O and Buzsáki G (2018) Immediate neurophysiological effects of transcranial electrical stimulation. Nature Communications, 9(1):5092. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07233-7.
Chen K, Gabriel P, Alasfour A, Gong C, Doyle WK, Devinsky O, Friedman D, Dugan P, Melloni L, Thesen T, Gonda D, Sattar S, Wang S, Gilja V (2018). Patient-Specific Pose Estimation in Clinical Environments. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 6:2101111. doi: 10.1109/JTEHM.2018.2875464.
Schwiedrzik CM, Sudmann SS, Thesen T, Wang X, Groppe DM, Mégevand P, Doyle W, Mehta AD, Devinsky O, Melloni L (2018) Medial prefrontal cortex supports perceptual memory. Current Biology, 28(18):R1094-R1095. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.07.066.
Auksztulewicz R, Schwiedrzik CM, Thesen T, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Nobre AC, Schroeder CE, Friston KJ, Melloni L.(2018) Dissociable neural processing of “what” and “when” predictability in the auditory system. Journal of Neuroscience, Aug 24. pii: 0369-18. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0369-18.2018.
Schwiedrzik CM, Melloni L, Schurger A (2018) Mooney face stimuli for visual perception research. Plos One. 2018 Jul 6;13(7):e0200106. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200106.
Ding N, Melloni L, Tian X, Poeppel D (2017). Rule-based and statistics-based processing of language: insights from neuroscience. Lang Cogn Neurosci, 32(5):570-575. doi: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1215477.
Lafon B, Huang Y, Henin S, Friedman D, Melloni L, Thesen T, Buzsaki G, Devinsky O, Parra L, Liu A (2017). Assessment of transcranial electrical stimulation effects on brain rhythms measured by invasive electroencephalograpgy. Nat Commun, Oct 31;8(1):1199. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01045-x.
Ding N, Melloni L, Yang A, Wang Y, Zhang W, Poeppel D (2017). Characterizing Neural Entrainment to Hierarchical Linguistic Structures using Electroencephalography (EEG). Front Hum Neurosci. Sep 28;11:481. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00481.
Golan T, Davidesco I, Meshulam M, Groppe DM, Mégevand P, Yeagle EM, Goldfinger MS, Harel M, Melloni L, Schroeder CE, Deouell LY, Mehta AD, Malach R (2017). Increasing Suppression Of Saccade-Related Transients Along The Human Visual Hierarchy. Elife, Aug 29;6. pii: e27819. doi: 10.7554/eLife.27819.
Cogan G, Iyer A, Melloni L, Thesen T, Friedman D, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Pesaran B. (2017). Manipulating stored phonological input during verbal working memory. Nat Neurosci, 20(2):279-286.
Golan T, Davidesco I, Meshulam M, Groppe DM, Mégevand P, Goldfinger MS, Yeagle E, Harel M, Melloni L, Schroeder CE, Deouell LY, Mehta AD, Malach R (2016). Human intracranial recordings link suppressed transients rather than 'filling-in' to perceptual continuity across blinks. eLife, Sep 29;5. pii: e17243. doi: 10.7554/eLife.17243.
Zhou H, Melloni L, Poeppel D, Ding N (2016). Interpretations of frequency domain analyses of neural entrainment: periodicity, fundamental frequency, and harmonics. Front Hum Neurosci, Jun 6;10:274.
Aru J, Rutiku R, Wibral M, Singer W, Melloni L (2016). Early effects of previous experience on conscious perception. Neurosci Conscious, [ePub ahead of print], doi: 10.1093/nc/niw004.
Schwiedrzik CM, Bernstein B, Melloni L (2016). Motion along the mental number line reveals shared representations for numerosity and space. eLife, Jan 15;5. pii: e10806. doi: 10.7554/eLife.10806.
Ding N, Melloni L, Zhang H, Tian X, Poeppel D (2016). Cortical tracking of hierarchical linguistic structures in connected speech. Nat Neurosci, 19(1):158-64.
Mayer A, Schwiedrzik CM, Wibral M, Singer W, Melloni L (2016). Expecting to see a letter: alpha oscillations as carriers of top-down sensory predictions. Cereb Cortex, 26(7):3146-60.
Snyder JS, Schwiedrzik CM, Vitela AD, Melloni L (2015). How previous experience shapes perception in different sensory modalities. Front Hum Neurosci, 9:594.
Schwiedrzik CM, Ruff CC, Lazar A, Leitner F, Singer W, Melloni L (2014). Untangling perceptual memory: hysteresis and adaptation recruit separate cortical networks. Cereb Cortex, 24(5):1152-64.
Müller NG, Strumpf H, Scholz M, Baier B, Melloni L (2013). Repetition suppression vs. enhancement – it’s quantity that matters. Cereb Cortex, 23(2):315-22.
Aru J, Bachmann T, Singer W, Melloni L (2012). Distilling the neural correlates of consciousness. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 36, 737-746.
Aru J, Axmacher N, Lam AD, Fell J, Elger C, Singer W, Melloni L (2012). Local category-specific gamma band responses in the visual cortex do not reflect conscious perception. J Neurosci. 32(43):14909-14.
Melloni L, van Leeuwen S, Alink A, Müller NG (2012). Interaction between bottom-up saliency and top-down control in the human brain. Cereb Cortex, 22(12):2943-52.
van Leeuwen S, Singer W, Melloni L (2012). Meditation increases the depth of information processing and improves the allocation of attention in space. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 6:133.
Peña M, Melloni L (2012). Brain oscillations for native language. J Cogn Neurosci, 24(5):1149-64.
Moca VV, Tincas I, Melloni L, Muresan RC (2011). Visual exploration and object recognition by lattice deformation. PLoS One 6(7): e22831.
Schwiedrzik CM, Singer W, Melloni L (2011). Subjective and objective learning effects dissociate in space and in time. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108(11):4506-11.
Melloni L, Schwiedrzik CM, Müller NG, Rodriguez E, Singer W (2011). Expectations change the signatures and timing of electrophysiological correlates of perceptual awareness. J Neurosci. 31(4),1386-96.
Uhlhaas P, Pipa G, Lima B, Melloni L, Neuenschwander S, Nikolic D, Singer W (2009). Neural synchrony in cortical networks: history, concept and current status. Front Integr Neurosci. 3:17.
Melloni L, Schwiedrzik CM, Rodriguez E, Singer W (2009). (Micro)Saccades, corollary activity and cortical oscillations. Trends Cogn Sci., 13(6):239-45.
Melloni L, Schwiedrzik CM, Wibral M, Rodriguez E, Singer W (2009). Response to: Yuval-Greenberg et al., "Transient Induced Gamma-Band Response in EEG as a Manifestation of Miniature Saccades." Neuron 58, 429-441. Neuron, 16; 62(1):8-10.
Schwiedrzik CM, Singer W, Melloni L (2009). Sensitivity and perceptual awareness increase with practice in metacontrast masking. J Vis. 9(10):18, 1-18.
van Leeuwen S, Müller NG, Melloni L (2009). Age effects on attentional blink performance in meditation. Conscious Cogn, 18(3):593-9.
Melloni L, Molina C, Peña M, Torres D, Singer W, Rodriguez R (2007). Synchronization of neural activity across cortical areas correlates with perceptual awareness. J Neurosci, 14; 27(11):2858-65.
Cornejo C, Simonetti F, Aldunate N, Ibanez A, Lopez V, Melloni L (2007). Electrophysiological evidence of different interpretative strategies in irony comprehension. J Psycholinguist Res, 36(6):411-30.
Book Chapters
Melloni L, Buffalo EA, Dehaene S, Friston KJ, Ghazanfar AA, Giraud AL, Grafton ST, Haegens S, Pesaran B, Petkov CI, Poeppel D (2019). Computation and Its Neural Implementation in Human Cognition. In: The Neocortex, ed. W. Singer, T. J. Sejnowski and P. Rakic, pp. 323-346. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 27, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Melloni L (2015)*. Consciousness as inference in time. In: Open Mind. Metzinger TK, Windt JM (Eds.), Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. Reprinted in: Open MIND. Philosophy And The Mind Sciences In The 21st Century. T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016. (* invited)
Aru J, Bachmann T, Singer W, Melloni L (2015). On why the unconscious prerequisites and consequences of consciousness might derail us from unravelling the neural correlates of consciousness. In: The constitution of phenomenal consciousness: Toward a science and theory, Miller SM (Ed.). Advances in Consciousness Research Vol. 91. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Melloni L, Singer W (2011). The explanatory gap in neuroscience. The scientific legacy of the 20th century. In: The Proceedings of the Plenary Session 28. Oct. – 1. Nov. 2010. Vatican City 2011. Rome: Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Acta 21: 61-73.
Moser E, Corbetta M, Desimone R, Fregnac Y, Fries P, Graybiel A, Haynes JD, Itti L, von der Malsburg C, Melloni L, Monyer H, Singer W, Wilson M (2010). Coordination in brain systems. In: Dynamic coordination in the brain: from neurons to mind, von der Malsburg C, Phillips WA, Singer W (Eds.). Strüngmann Forum Report Vol. 5. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Melloni L, Singer W (2010). Distinct characteristics of conscious experience are met by large-scale synchronization. In: New horizons in the neuroscience of consciousness, Perry E, Collerton D, LeBeau FEN, Ashton H (Eds.). Advances in Consciousness Research Vol. 79. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Henin S, Turk-Browne N, Friedman D, Liu A, Dugan P, Flinker A, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Melloni L. (2019) Statistical learning shapes neural sequence representations. bioRxiv 583856; doi:
Leszczyński M, Barczak A, Kajikawa Y, Ulbert I, Falchier A.Y, Tal I, Haegens S , Melloni L, Knight R.T, Schroeder C.E. (2019) Dissociation of broadband high-frequency activity and neuronal firing in the macaque neocortex. bioRxiv 531368; doi:
van Leeuwen T, Sauer A, Jurgut AM, Uhlhaas PJ, Wibral L, Singer W, Melloni L. (2018) Perceptual phenotypes: Perceptual gains and losses in synesthesia and schizophrenia. bioRxiv 443846; doi:
Davidesco I, Thesen T, Honey CJ, Melloni L, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Ghitza O, Schroeder CE, Poeppel D, Hasson U (2017). Electrocorticographic responses to time-compressed speech vary across the cortical auditory hierarchy. bioRxiv 354464; doi:
Auszeichnungen & Stipendien
2019 | Fellow at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) in the research group “Deconstructing and Reconstructing Consciousness: an Interdisciplinary Approach to a Perennial Puzzle” |
2018 | Selected for AcademiaNet – a database profile of excellent female researchers from all disciplines |
2023–2025 | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), Research Program Brain, Mind and Consciousness (€30,000) |
2021–2023 | Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF0389) Role: PI (€1,000,000) |
2021–2024 | Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF0568) Implementing FAIR Workflows: a proof-of-concept study in the field of consciousness Role: MPI (w/ Helena Cousijn) (€856,694) |
2022–2024 | Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellowship, H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 Cortical Hierarchy of Memory, Proposal 101023805 Role: Supervisor (Fellow: Darinka Trübutschek) (€ 174,806.40) |
2020–2023 | Human Brain Project (HBP)- SGA3 “Data and models for the understanding of consciousness” Brain Inspired Consciousness (BRICON) Role: MPI (w/Theofanis Panagiotaropoulos) (€800,000) |
2020–2023 | Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF0486) Role: MPI (w/Daniel Marcus) ($766,000) |
2020–2023 | Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF0485) Role: MPI (w/Daniel Marcus) ($233,981) |
2019–2023 | Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF0389) Role: PI (€4,286,000) |
2018–2023 | National Institutes of Health (NIH), R01 RF1MH116978 Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Essa Yacoub/Orrin Devinsky) ($2,945,492) |
2017–2023 | Office of Naval Research (ONR) Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI) N00014-17-1-2961 A Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Understanding Event Representation and Episodic Memory. Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Charan Ranganath) ($4,500,000) |
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