Dr. Nori Jacoby


  • Cross-cultural auditory cognition
  • Computational audition
  • Internal representations in vision and audition
  • Timing and sensorimotor synchronization
  • Music cognition

Research Group Computational Auditory Perception



2007–2014PhD in Computational Neuroscience (Ahissar and Tishby Lab), The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2001–2003MSc. in Mathematics, Magna cum Laude, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1998–2000BSc in Mathematics and Physics, Magna cum Laude, Talpiot Military Academy, The Hebrew University Jerusalem


2016–2018Presidential Scholar in Society and Neuroscience, Columbia University
2016Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Berkeley (Griffiths Lab)
2014–2016Postdoctoral Research Fellow, MIT (McDermott Lab)


Selected Publications

Working Papers













Auszeichnungen & Stipendien

Auszeichnungen & Stipendien

2014ELSC Brain Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship for Training Abroad.
2012Daniel Amit Memorial Prize in Computational Neuroscience, the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2008Margalit Prize for music for Ruti Kanner’s play Go’al
2004Israeli Defense Forces C4I Prize for Significant Creative Research
2003Israeli Defense Forces’ Prize for Algorithmic Development


  • Global Survey of Rhythm Representation

    Over the past few years, cross-cultural comparative work has made various claims about the universality of aspects of music, aesthetic preferences, and emotion (Fritz 2009, Brown & Jordania 2013, Savage et al. 2015). However, recent work ...

  • Cross-Cultural Perception

    Over 90% of psychology experiments between 2003-2007 were conducted on WEIRD subjects, hailing from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic societies (Arnett 2008). Henrich et al. (2010) have argued that these populations ...

  • Characterizing the Geometry of Internal Representations using Massive Online Experiments in Audition and Vision

    Our auditory and visual memory systems encode information selectively due to limited resources, resulting in systematic distortions and biases. Understanding these biases allows us to characterize the latent geometry of our mind, namely, to better ...

  • Kategoriale Rhythmuswahrnehmung

    Die Wahrnehmung rhythmischer Figuren beruht  auf dem Mechanismus der kategorialen Wahrnehmung: die Tendenz der menschlichen Wahrnehmung, die unendliche Vielfalt rhythmischer Nuancen in Bezug auf eine kleine Anzahl prototypischer, als ...

  • PsyNet: The Online Human Behavior Lab of the Future

    Please visit psynet.dev for more information ...

  • Gibbs Sampling with People

    As cognitive scientists, we are often interested in mapping the relationship between external stimuli (e.g., spoken sentences, musical chords, faces) and semantic features that the mind derives from these stimuli (e.g., happiness, sadness, ...

  • A Robust Cross-Platform Solution for Online Sensorimotor Synchronization Experiments

    Sensorimotor synchronization (SMS), the rhythmic coordination of perception and action, is a fundamental human skill that supports many behaviors, from repetitive daily routines to the highest forms of behavioural coordination, including music and ...

  • Using Serial Reproduction to Reveal Spatial Priors in Navigation

    Navigation poses a difficult problem for the human visual system, which must process complex and noisy scenes while keeping pace with a relentless stream of incoming information. Since not all information is equally useful, it must allocate its ...