Dr. Seung-Goo Kim

- Neural encoding of naturalistic music and speech
- Shared neural mechanism of musical emotion and prosody
- Intersubject variability in musical reward sensitivity
- Neural processing of temporal structures in music and speech
- Functional and anatomical correlates of pitch perception
2012–2017 | Dr. rer. nat. in Psychology, University of Leipzig and MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (Topic: Myeloarchitecture of Absolute Pitch) |
2008–2010 | Master of Science in Cognitive Science, Seoul National University, South Korea (Topic: MEG responses to conditional probabilities of chord progressions) |
2000–2004 | Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Psychology (dual majors), Yonsei University, South Korea |
1996–1999 | Musical Composition, Sunwha Arts High School, South Korea |
seit 2021 | Postdoctoral Researcher, MPI for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt Main (PI: Daniela Sammler) |
2018–2021 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Duke University, NC, USA (PI: Tobias Overath) |
2017–2018 | Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (PI: Valerie Voon) |
2017 | Postdoctoral Researcher, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (PI: Thomas Fritz) |
2012–2016 | Ph.D. Student, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (PI: Thomas Knösche) |
2010–2012 | Graduate researcher, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Seoul National University, South Korea (PIs: Dr. Moo K. Chung and Dr. Jun Soo Kwon) |
Journal Articles
Kim S-G, De Martino, F, Overath T. (2024). Linguistic modulation of the neural encoding of phonemes. Cerebral Cortex 34(4):bhae155.
Kim S-G, Overath T, Sedley W, Kumar S, Teki S, Kikuchi Y, Patterson R, Griffiths TD. (2022). MEG correlates of temporal regularity relevant to pitch perception in human auditory cortex. NeuroImage 249:118879.
Leahy J*, Kim S-G*, Wan J, Overath T. (2021). An Analytical Framework of Tonal and Rhythmic Hierarchy in Natural Music Using the Multivariate Temporal Response Function. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15:665767. *equal contr.
Weidacker K*, Kim S-G*, Callesen MB, Thomsen KR, Voon V. (2021). Insular and subcallosal cingulate myeloarchitecture and prediction of resilience of alcohol drinking behaviours in youth. Psychological Medicine. *equal contr.
Zhang C*, Kim S-G*, Li J, Zhang Y, Lv Q, Zeljic K, Gong H, Zhan, Jin H, Sun B, Wang Z, Voon V. (2021). Large-scale tractography of the anterior limb of the internal capsule: predictors of capsulotomy outcomes in obsessive compulsive disorder. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. *equal contr.
Kim S-G, Poeppel D, Overath T. (2019). Modulation change detection in human auditory cortex: Evidence for asymmetric, nonlinear edge detection. European Journal of Neuroscience 52(2):2889–2904.
Kim S-G, Mueller K, Lepsien J, Mildner T, Fritz TH. (2019). Brain networks underlying aesthetic appreciation as modulated by interaction of the spectral and temporal organisations of music. Scientific Reports 9: 19446.
Zhang C, Kim S-G, Zhang YY, Li Y, Yan FH, Voon V, Sun BM. (2019). Habenula deep brain stimulation for refractory bipolar disorder. Brain Stimulation.
Mandali A, Weidacker K, Kim S-G, Voon V. (2019). The ease and sureness of a decision: evidence accumulation of conflict and uncertainty. Brain 142 (5): 1471–1482.
Nord C*, Kim S-G*, Thomsen KR, Callesen MB, Kvamme TL, Jensen M, Pedersen MU, Voon V. (2019). The myeloarchitecture of impulsivity: premature responding in youth is associated with decreased myelination of ventral putamen. Neuropsychopharmacology 44: 1216–1223. *equal contr.
Kim S-G, Knoesche TR. (2017). On the perceptual subprocess of absolute pitch. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11:557.
Kim S-G, Lepsien J, Fritz TH, Mildner T, Mueller K. (2017). Dissonance encoding in human inferior colliculus covaries with individual differences in dislike of dissonant music. Scientific Reports 7: 5726.
Kim S-G, Knoesche TR. (2017). Resting state functional connectivity of the ventral auditory pathway in musicians with absolute pitch. Human Brain Mapping.
Yoon YB, Shin W-G, Lee TY, Hur J-W, Cho KIK, Sohn WS, Kim S-G, Lee K-H, Kwon JS. (2017). Brain Structural Networks Associated with Intelligence and Visuomotor Ability. Scientific Reports 7: 2177.
Bianco R, Novembre G, Keller P, Kim S-G, Scharf F, Friederici A, Villringer A, Sammler D. (2016). Neural networks for harmonic structure in music perception and action. Neuroimage 142:454-464.
Kim S-G, Knoesche TR. (2016). Intracortical myelination in musicians with absolute pitch: quantitative morphometry using 7-T MRI. Human Brain Mapping 37(10): 3486–3501.
Kim S-G, Kim SN, Jung WH, Jang JH, Kwon JS. (2015). Alterations of structural networks in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A multimodal analysis of MRI and DTI using mCCA+jICA. PLoS One 10(6): e0127118.
Kim S-G, Jung WH, Kim SN, Jang JH, Kwon JS. (2013). Disparity between dorsal and ventral networks in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Evidence revealed by graph theoretical analysis based on cortical thickness from MRI. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:302.
Kim S-G, Kim JS, Chung CK. (2011). The effect of conditional probability of chord progression on brain response: an MEG study. PLoS One 6(2): e17337.
Peer-reviewed Conference Articles
Chung MK, Kim S-G, Schaefer SM, van Reekum CM, Peschke-Scmitz L, Sutterer M, Davidson RJ. (2014). Improved statistical power with a sparse shape model in determining aging effect in hippocampus and amygdala. In proceedings of SPIE 9034, Medical Imaging 2014: Image Processing, 90340Y.
Kim S-G, Stelzer J, Bazin P-L, Viehweger A, Knösche TR. (2014). Group-wise analysis on myelination profiles of cerebral cortex using the second eigenvector of Laplace-Beltrami operator. In proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp 1007-1010.
Kim S-G, Lee H, Chung MK, Hanson JL, Avants BB, Gee JC, Davidson RJ, Pollak SD. (2012). Agreement between the white matter connectivity based on the tensor-based morphometry and the volumetric white matter parcellations based on diffusion tensor imaging. In proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp 42-45.
Kim S-G, Chung MK, Schaefer SM, van Reekum CM, Davidson RJ. (2012). Sparse shape representation using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions and its application to modeling subcortical structures. In proceedings of IEEE workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA), pp 25-32.
Kim S-G, Chung MK, Seo SH, Schaefer SM, van Reekum CM, Davidson RJ. (2011). Heat kernel smoothing via Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions and its application to subcortical structure modeling. In Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT), Part 1, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 7087: pp 36-57.
Kim S-G, Chung MK, Hanson JL, Avants BB, Gee JC, Davidson RJ, Pollak SD. (2011). Structural connectivity via the tensor-based morphometry. In proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp 808-811.
Auszeichnungen & Stipendien
Stipendien und Preise
2023 | Johanna Quandt Young Academy Fellowship, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main |
2021 | Postdoc Research Grant Award, The Charles Lafitte Foundation Program for Research in Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University, NC, USA |
2017 | Summa cum laude, PhD examination, Institute of Psychology. University of Leipzig, Germany |
2014 | Conference Scholarship, The 5th Conference for Neurosciences and Music, Mariani Foundation, Italy |
2010 | Best Poster Presentation Award, The Biannual Meeting of Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, South Korea |