
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu Veranstaltungen am Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, aber auch Hinweise auf Veranstaltungen, die das Institut in Kooperation mit anderen Einrichtungen anbietet.


Library Talks: Wissensordnungen und ihre Gestalt in geisteswissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

Prof. Dr. Achim Hölter (Universität Wien)

Zwischen Buchregal und Digitalität: Die Suche nach idealen Wissensordnungen und ihrer ästhetischen Verortung.


Vergangene Veranstaltungen



Keine Nachrichten verfügbar.


Library Talks: Barbie – Eine Frage der Konsumästhetik

Frederik Kampe (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main)

Von der Spielzeugikone zur Popkulturlegende: Ein kulturwissenschaftlicher Blick auf Barbies Bedeutung zwischen Konsumästhetik und Kulturpoetik.


IDEA Lectures with Ophelia Deroy
Shared Experiences: Does Art Create Common Ground?

Picture yourself at the Städel Museum, standing in front of Vermeer’s Geographer. Unsurpringly, you're not alone: Others stand nearby, quietly absorbing the same scene—the man deep in thought, the soft light spilling through the window, the delicate play with colors.


Open Science Workshop

Vorträge und Diskussion über Fairness, Nachvollziehbarkeit und Transparenz in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung


Library Talks: The Emergence of Jungle in the 1990s

DJ Stretch (AKO Beatz), Dr. Owen Green (MPIEA)

Von den Wurzeln im Großbritannien der 1990er bis zur aktuellen Renaissance: Einblicke in die Entstehung eines wegweisenden Musikstils.


1. Jahreskonferenz zur ästhetischen Entwicklung

Ästhetische Entwicklung verstehen
Erste Jahreskonferenz zur ästhetischen Entwicklung am 07.11.2024


Fechner Lecture mit Bruno S. Frey

Im Rahmen der Fechner Lectures laden wir international führende Wissenschaftler:innen nach Frankfurt ein, um einmal jährlich in einem großen, öffentlichen Festvortrag spannende Themen aus der Ästhetik-Forschung zu präsentieren.


Growing Up in Academia with Anil Seth

Making Decisions for Yourself

Join us for a deep talk with Anil Seth, Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


15. Jahrestagung des Fachverbands für Kulturmanagementforschung

Analog, digital oder irgendwo dazwischen – die zukünftigen Räume der Kultur


Growing Up in Academia with Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz

Family First, Science Always

Join us for a deep talk with Ghislaine Dehaene-LambertzResearch Director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the NeuroSpin, CEA. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Science Festival Frankfurt

Ein Fest im Zeichen der Wissenschaft: Das MPIEA präsentiert sich gemeinsam mit 14 weiteren Institutionen der Frankfurt Alliance auf dem Roßmarkt.


Contact Zones — Pamela Breda, Victoria Keddie, Sajan Mani

Ausstellung im Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main


Growing Up in Academia with Lenore Blum

An Outstanding Unique Career

Join us for a deep talk with Lenore Blum, Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science, Emerita. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Corina Logan

Acclimating to Changing Environments

Join us for a deep talk with Corina Logan, Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Music and Knowledge: Towards a Systematic Approach

Music and knowledge stand to each other in a complex relationship; an adequate view of it requires considerable conceptual work. s or modes of knowledge interact?


Theatre of Memory

Ein neuro-akustisches Klangnetzwerk von Tim Otto Roth


Growing Up in Academia with Tobias Moser

Building a State of the Art Clinical Audiology Unit

Join us for a deep talk with Tobias Moser, Director of the Institute for Auditory Neuroscience, University Medical Center Göttingen. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


The Odd Couple

Human+AI Real-Time Improvisation



Klavierkonzert "Roots and Relations"

Das vierte Konzert der Reihe "Ligeti 100" mit Fredrik Ullén


Mindvoyage l Uri Hasson : "Deep Language Models as a Cognitive Model for Natural Language Processing in the Human Brain"

The Mindvoyage lectures feature prominent scholars from different disciplines including the humanities, biology, neuroscience and physics. On Thursday, December 8, 10:00 CET, the...


Mindvoyage l Dacher Keltner : "The Science of Awe: Evolution, Culture, and Self-Transcendence"

The Mindvoyage lectures feature prominent scholars from different disciplines including the humanities, biology, neuroscience and physics. On Thursday, November 30, 16:00 CET, th...


Klavierkonzert "Magical Machines"

Das dritte Konzert der Reihe "Ligeti 100" mit Fredrik Ullén


How Did You Do That? Developing Transcultural Music ll

Eleanna Pitsikaki und Peter Klohmann

Lecture Recital


How Did You Do That? Developing Transcultural Music

Youssef Laktina und Johanna-Leonore Dahlhoff

Lecture Recital


Klavierkonzert "Articulations"

Fredrik Ullén spielt György Ligetis Etüden für Klavier, Buch I


Eine Erkundung südindischer Rāga-Musik

Brindha Manickavasakan

Lecture Recital


Growing Up in Academia with Gemma Roig

Fantasizing about an Algorithm as Powerful as Human Vision

Join us for a deep talk with Gemma Roig, Professor at the Computer Science Department at Goethe University Frankfurt. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Viola Priesemann

Conquering a Man's World

Join us for a deep talk with Viola Priesemann, Professor at the Department of Physics at the Georg August University Göttingen. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Patrick Cramer

Coining a New Era of Leadership in Science

Join us for a deep talk with Patrick Cramer, Director at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry since 2014. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Klavierkonzert "Musical Vertigo"

Fredrik Ullén spielt György Ligetis Etüden für Klavier, Buch II


Growing Up in Academia with Ophelia Deroy

Navigating the World of Academia

Join us for a deep talk with Ophelia Deroy, Chair for Philosophy of Mind at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Movement to Sound, Sound to Movement

Rei Nakamura

Multimediale Performance und Podiumsgespräch im ArtLab mit Rei Nakamura.


Growing Up in Academia with Lisa Miracchi

Finding the Self via Detours

Join us for a deep talk with Lisa Miracchi, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Denver. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


IDEA Lecture with Tuomas Eerola
Two Tales of Music and Emotions: From the Confines of Controlled Lab Study to the Construction of Emotions in Context

This two-part talk presents a lab study about enjoyable aspects of sadness in music and then broadens the scope into a constructionist account of emotions.


Reyna L. Gordon: A Genomic Journey to Individual Differences in Rhythm

Understanding Genetic and Neural Architecture and Implications for Human Language Development


Gastkommentar im Städel Museum: "Kunst und Musik" mit Prof. Dr. Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann

In dieser Reihe eröffnen Expert:innen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft aus Lebens-, Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften den Besucher:innen individuelle Sichtweisen auf die Werke des Städel Museums.




CONTACT ZONES: Performance & Vortrag

Mit CONTACT ZONES – Murat Adash, Céline Berger, Syowia Kyambi kooperiert das Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik für ein gemeinsames Ausstellungsprojekt mit dem Museum...


Fechner Lecture mit Klaus Scherer

Im Rahmen der Fechner Lectures laden wir international führende Wissenschaftler:innen nach Frankfurt ein, um einmal jährlich in einem großen, öffentlichen Festvortrag spannende Themen aus der Ästhetik-Forschung zu präsentieren. Die Vorträge finden in englischer Sprache statt, die folgenden Informationen sind daher nur in Englisch verfügbar.


Über die Linie

Lucas Fels

Konzertabend mit Diskussion zur Frage der gelungenen Aufführung ausgehend von der Notation in zeitgenössischer Musik.


Ausstellungseröffnung: Contact Zones — Murat Adash, Céline Berger, Syowia Kyambi

Ausstellung der INHABIT Artists-in Residence eröffnet im Museum Angewandte Kunst


IDEA Lecture with Sandra Trehub: Musical Beginnings

This talk focuses on musicality in infancy, specifically on the skills that underlie our ability to perceive, appreciate, and produce music.


Music & Eye-Tracking

What eye movements, pupil dilation, and blinking activity tell us about musical processing

A two-day conference organized by Elke B. Lange and Lauren K. Fink 
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Adriana Zekveld


Public Lecture by Lydia Goehr, Columbia University, New York, USA

Errors, Mistakes, and Accidents: New and Old Keys to Analysis in Philosophy and the Arts


Public Concert: Lucas Fels (Cello) and Nicola Hein (Electric Guitar, Electronics)

Lucas Fels (Cello) and Nicola Hein (Electric Guitar, Electronics)


Feeling, Form, Mind: A Conference on the Thought of Susanne K. Langer

An interdisciplinary conference by the Susanne K. Langer Circle in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

The call for abstracts is now open, the deadline is February 6, 2022.


Growing Up in Academia with Julia Fischer

Join us for a deep talk with Julia Fischer, Head of the Cognitive Ethology Lab at the German Primate Center of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Something in the Way You Move

A Scientific Dance Evening (With a Fun Experiment)


From "Swan Lake" to Dancing Robots: Probing the Flexibility of Social Perception

Hybrid Lecture by Prof. Emily Cross, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow


Growing Up in Academia with Emily Cross

The Happy Union of Very Diverse Sets of Passions

Join us for a deep talk with Emily Cross, Professor of Social Robotics, Centre for Social, Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Tag für die Musik – Besucherführungen am MPIEA

Grundlagenforschung rund um Musik: Das MPIEA öffnet seine Türen. Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen des hessenweiten Tags für die Musik.


Oedipus Rex in the Genomic Era

Online lecture by Prof. Yulia Kovas, Professor of Genetics and Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London.


Konzerterleben im Experiment

Radialsystem, Berlin.
Forschungsgruppe untersucht Reaktionen von Besucher:innen klassischer Konzerte


Growing Up in Academia with Molly Henry

Spontaneity, a Free Spirit and the Willingness to Work Hard

Join us for a deep talk with Molly Henry, Max Planck Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics and Assistant Professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Konzerterleben im Experiment

Pierre-Boulez-Saal, Berlin.
Forschungsgruppe untersucht Reaktionen von Besucher:innen klassischer Konzerte


Growing Up in Academia with Christof Koch

A Lifelong Quest to Unravel Consciousness

Join us for a deep talk with Christof Koch, Chief Scientist and President of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing up in Academia with Onur Güntürkün

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, February 28, 2022, 6 p.m. Growing Up in Academia features Onur Güntürkün, Professor in Biopsychology, Psychology Department, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Virtual IDEA Lecture with Aniruddh Patel:
Is music a kind of sound, or a kind of perceptual experience?

Music often has salient acoustic differences from spoken and environmental sounds, especially with respect to patterns of pitch and timing...


Growing Up in Academia with Beatriz Calvo-Merino

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, November 29, 2021, 6 p.m. Growing Up in Academia features Beatriz Calvo-Merino, Reader / Associate Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU), Psychology Department, City, University of London.
Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Do-re-mi DNA: Biologische Grundlagen der Musik

Eine socialBRIDGES Online-Konferenz zur Überbrückung physikalischer und interdisziplinärer Distanzen


Dance, AI, and Embodied Neuroaesthetics

Online lecture by Prof. Emily Cross, University of Glasgow



Virtual IDEA Lectures with Patrick Savage:
Comparative Musicology: The Science of the World’s Music

What is music, and why did it evolve? How can we understand the unity and diversity found throughout the world’s music?

Scientific attempts to answer these questions through cross-cultural comparison stalled during the 20th century and have only recently begun to make a resurgence.


Science-Dance Dialogues

Persian Dance Meets Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Ida Momennejad

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, November 29, 2021, 6 p.m. Growing Up in Academia features Ida Momennejad, senior Reinforcement Learning researcher at Microsoft Research NYC.  Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Fredrik Ullén

Building a Career Between Science and Music

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, November 1, 6 p.m. 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Fredrik Ullén, Director of the Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Growing Up in Academia with Joyce Poon

The Importance of Integrity

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, October 18, 5 p.m. 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Joyce Poon, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Empowerment: Theme and Variations

Speaker: Daniel Polani (University of Hertfordshire)


Growing Up in Academia with Taufik Valiante

It’s Not a Story When You’re in the Middle of It!

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, September 20, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Taufik Valiante, Director of the Surgical Epilepsy Program at the Krembil Neuroscience Center, Director of the Center for Advancing Neurotechnological Innovation to Application (CRANIA) and Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar.


Beyond liking (live) #1

Einladung zum offenen Diskurs über die Frage der Quantifizierung mit der Künstlerin Céline Berger und dem Historiker Sebastian Manhart.


Tag für die Literatur und die Musik

Schalten Sie ein zu unserem Live-Programm zu spannenden Forschungsthemen.


Growing Up in Academia with Daniela Sammler

The French Connection

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, February 22, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Daniela Sammler, Research Group Leader Neurocognition of Music and Language at our Institute (MPI for Empirical Aesthetics).

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar.


Buchvorstellung und Podiumsdiskussion: Bilder als Denkformen

Mit Horst Bredekamp, David Poeppel, Felix Jäger und Yasuhiro Sakamoto



Growing Up in Academia with Rosanne Rademaker

Sticking With It Through the Mess

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, April 19, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Rosanne Rademaker, Marie Curie fellow University California, San Diego (USCD), Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and soon-to-be Max Planck group leader

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. 


Growing Up in Academia with Asifa Akhtar

Optimism, Perseverance and Passion

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, March 22, 2021, Growing Up in Academia features Asifa Akhtar, Director at the MPI for Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg and Vice President of the Biology and Medicine Section in the Max Planck Society.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. 


CLaME Event: Building sustainable global collaborative research networks

Organizers: Elizabeth Margulis, Nori Jacoby and Patrick Savage

Max Planck — NYU Center for Language, Music and Emotion (CLaME), Virtual event.


Virtual Lecture by Andreas Nieder: Sensory Consciousness in a Bird Brain

Prof. Dr. Andreas Nieder  Animal Physiology, Institute of Neurobiology, University of Tübingen

Location: Zoom Lecture



INHABIT Online-Tagung: Artistic Knowledge and the Sonic

Begleitend zur Ausstellung findet eine Tagung mit den Künstler*innen und drei Gastwissenschaftler*innen statt.



Mit INHABITING basis kooperiert das Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik für ein gemeinsames Ausstellungsprojekt mit basis e.V.


Online Lecture Recital by Stefan Litwin

New Music / New Listening. Music by Arnold Schoenberg and others (with special guest Nuria Schoenberg-Nono).


Growing up in Academia with Karen Zentgraf

Busting Sports Myths with Endurance and Dedication

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, September 21, 2020, Growing Up in Academia features Karen Zentgraf, Professor for Movement and Exercise Science at Goethe University, Frankfurt.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. 


Predictive Processing Models of Rhythm Perception and Production

Presenter: Thomas Mark Kaplan / Queen Mary University of London


Sneak Preview: Klassisches Konzert im Experiment

2022 findet im radialsystem und dem Pierre Boulez Saal eine mehrtägige Konzertreihe statt


Linguistics Flash Mob on language in the brain

Linguistics Flash - Mobs featuring David Poeppel, PhD


Online Discussion at APA 2020 Virtual: The Study of Aesthetic Experience

We are presenting a symposium at this year’s Virtual Convention of the American Psychological Association. You are invited to watch our talks online and to join us for some live scientific exchange with our discussant Ellen Winner.

Location: Zoom Meeting


Virtual IDEA Lectures with Renee Timmers:
Process and product in ensemble performance: from embodied interaction to ensemble aesthetics

In performing together, musicians create a shared, coordinated performance. Such ensemble performances are established dynamically and interactively, as well as through constructing and polishing a distributed notion of what the end-product of the musical performance should sound like.


Virtual Lecture by Viola Priesemann: Information flow and spreading dynamics in neural networks and of SARS-CoV-2

Dr. Viola Priesemann, Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen

Location: Zoom Lecture


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Catherine Tallon-Baudry: Subjective Experience and the Brain–Viscera Dialogue

Prof. Dr. Catherine Tallon-Baudry,  Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

The online application for this event is Zoom Webinar. You can join the lecture by using this link.


Virtual Lecture Recital by Stefan Litwin

Inside, Outside, Private, Public — Social Spaces in Beethoven's Piano Sonata in A Major, op. 101


Dare To Know Podcast on Noam Chomsky

Fabian Corver's Podcast featuring Prof. David Poeppel, PhD 


Virtual Lecture by Michael Kahana: Human Memory

Prof. Michael Kahana, PhD Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual Lecture by Hui Zhang: Memory engram during encoding, retrieval and memory consolidation

Dr. Hui Zhang, Abteilung Neuropsychologie, Institut für Kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Fakultät für Psychologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual Lecture: Rhythms of speech and rhythms of brains

Prof. David Poeppel, PhD: Rhythms of speech and rhythms of brains


Music in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: invitation to form a network of research projects

Virtual get-togethers (9 a.m. CEST and 4 p.m. CEST to allow researchers from around the globe to participate)


Virtual Lecture by Laetitia Grabot: Alpha Activity Reflects
the Magnitude of an Individual Bias in Human Perception

Laetitia Grabot, PhD, Post-doctoral fellow, Bielefeld University, Cognitive Neuroscience lab

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual Lecture by Yunzhe Liu: Neural Replay in Abstraction and Inference

Yunzhe Liu, Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research

Location: Zoom Lecture


Virtual fMRI Lecture by Renzo Huber and Faruk Gülban

Dr. Renzo Huber VENI-Fellow in MR-Methods, Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht Brain Imaging Center, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Maastricht

and O. Faruk Gülban, PhD Student, Audition, Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Departments, Maastricht University

Location: Zoom Lecture


Workshop, "Current Work in the History of Theory" CANCELLED

A workshop on current work in the history of theory, featuring Prof. Poundie Burstein (CUNY Graduate Center), Prof. Thomas Christensen (U Chicago), Dr. Martin Küster (Berlin), and others.


Virtual Lecture by Joshua Jacobs: Neural basis of human spatial navigation and memory

Prof. Joshua Jacobs, PhD, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University

Location: Zoom Lecture


Guest Lecture, Limor Raviv

Language and society: How social and learning pressures shape grammatical structure


CNS meeting Virtual Aesthetics Social

The VisNA lab hosted a Virtual Neuroaesthetics Social event at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society's (CNS) annual meeting.


Guest Lecture: Prof. Eli Nelken

Stimulus-specific adaptation in the auditory system: more than you wanted to know


Growing up in Academia with Yee Lee Shing

Memories of a Memory Researcher

What does it mean to be a scientist or scholar? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different stages of their careers focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”. On Monday, February 17th, 2020, Growing Up in Academia features Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing, Professor of Developmental Psychology, Goethe-University, Frankfurt.

Hosted and presented by Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.


Dance / Research

Interdisciplinary Lectures on the Aesthetics of Dance


Lecture by Diogo Almeida: The organization of speech sounds
in long term memory

Prof. Diogo Almeida, PhD, Associate professor in Psychology at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Director of the Language, Mind and Brain Lab (LaMB Lab).

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


Lecture by Ellen Lau: One semantic hub, two working memory systems

Prof. Ellen Lau, PhD, Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland

Co-Director of the KIT-UMD Magnetoencephalography Laboratory

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


Lecture by Jiyun Shin: The role of Perirhinal feedback input in cortical layer 1 in learning

Jiyun Shin (Humboldt University Berlin)

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Lecture by Bo-Yong Park: Cortical hierarchies in space and time:
How brain structure governs ongoing functional dynamics

Bo-Yong Park, PhD,  Multimodal Imaging and Connectome Analysis Lab, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor



CANCELLED: The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition
with Prof. Kia Nobre, PhD: Temporal anticipation in cognition

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Kia Nobre, PhD is the Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology, Chair in Translational Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Oxford 

Please note that this lecture is cancelled and will be rescheduled in 2020.


Lecture by Yee Lee Shing: Episodic Memory
Across the Lifespan

Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing, Institute of Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt 

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor



Growing up in Academia with Moritz Helmstaedter

Not your „classical“ career...

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Ballet Meets Science

An international team of dancers and researchers come together to try out whether you can DANCE YOUR EMOTION


Seminar on Human & Machine Intelligence || We are virtual! See details below.

A transdisciplinary seminar series addressing the confluence of modern machine learning, cognitive science, computational neuroscience: theory and practice


Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Luciano Rezzolla

Prof. Dr. Luciano Rezzolla, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University


Eye-Tracking Day

A one-day Symposium on eye-tracking research intended for doctoral students. Our goal is to create an environment for discussing different ways of analyzing eye movements, and implementing eye-tracking in various research fields. 

Organized by Franklenin Sierra and Monika Tschense


Bundesweiter Vorlesetag 2019

Zum Vorlesetag laden wir Kinder und ihre Familien herzlich zu uns ein. Wir bieten ein vielfältiges Programm mit Kinderbuchlesungen und kindgerechten Einblicken in unsere Forschung an.


Guest Lecture: Dr. Thomas Langlois

"Revealing the geometry of visual memory encoding using transmission chains"


Guest Lecture: Alon Goldstein

"High Level Non-Conscious Representations"


CLaME Lecture with Joseph LeDoux

Prof. Joseph LeDoux, PhD, Deputy Director CLaME

Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Science, Center for Neural Science, New York University 


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger  

Dallinger ( automates experiments relying on combinations of automated bots and human subjects recruited on platforms like Mechanical Turk. This three-day workshop is intended for researchers who  either use or plan to use Dallinger as part of their research.


Growing Up in Academia with Melissa Vo

Steering Aircraft vs. Steering Research Projects

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


CLaME Emotion Workshop

The workshop is hosted by the CLaME Center directors  Prof. David Poeppel, PhD (also director MPIEA Department of Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University) and Prof. Cate Hartley, PhD (also Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University)

Please note that this workshop is fully booked.

Location: Room 416–419


Lecture by Sabine Hossenfelder: Beautiful Theories

Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder  Reserach Fellow, FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Sciences

Location: Room 416-419


Growing up in Academia with Tatjana Tchumatchenko

Hard Work Alone Is Never Enough

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


IDEA lecture with Pamela Potter:
The Nazi „Antimodernist“ Aesthetic in Postwar Arts Scholarship

In her 2016 book, Art of Suppression: Confronting the Nazi Past in Histories of the Visual and Performing Arts, Pamela Potter identifies a wide gap between what research has revealed about cultural attitudes in Nazi Germany and what the general public persistently chooses to believe.


Lecture by Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel
Perceptual weights in loudness judgments

Dr. Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel, Associate Professor / Privatdozent, Johannes Gutenberg - Universitaet Mainz, Experimental Psychology

Laboratoire ICube UMR7357 Université de Strasbourg

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


Guest Lecture: Manuel Englada Tort

“Measuring responses to music: Methods, challenges, and alternative approaches”


Symposium on Prediction Error

The symposium is organized und hosted by Prof. David Poeppel, PhD, Prof. Lucia Melloni, PhD and Dr. Alessandro Tavano (Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics)

Location: Room 416-419


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Judit Gervain
Neural oscillations in speech perception early in life: the role of prenatal and postnatal experience

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Dr. Judit Gervain, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Uni­ver­sité Paris Descartes


Growing up in Academia with Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann

When life gives you Latin, make music out of it.

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


ArtLab live // Ella de Burca

Multimediale  Poetry  Performance


Krimifestival "Tatort Eifel": Vortrag über "The Brain on Screen"

Über ihr Forschungsprojekt "The Brain on Screen" berichten am Donnerstag, 19. September Dr. Keyvan Sarkhosh und Dr. Alessandro Tavano vom Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik im Rahmen des renommierten Krimifestivals in Daun / Vulkaneifel.


Lecture by Leslie Baxter, PhD (Mayo Clinic Arizona)

Neuroimaging Methods for Brain Mapping. An Overview of Using Neuroimaging for Clinical and Research Applications


Guest Lecture: Dr. Kelly Jakubowski

"Aesthetic Preferences for Microrhythmic Variations in Music: A Comparative Study Across Cultures" 


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Nikolaus Kriegeskorte:
Cognitive computational neuroscience of vision

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Director of Cognitive Imaging; Principal Investigator at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute

Location: Room 416-419


Klassik in der Mittagspause

Zwei Forschungskonzerte im Rahmen der Studie „Experimentelle Konzertforschung“


Lecture by Prof. David Temperley, PhD: Information Flow in Music

Prof. David Temperley, PhD, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


kurz & film

Das MPIEA zeigt im Rahmen einer Studie an zwei Tagen eine Auswahl an Animations- und Kurzspielfilmen.


kurz & film

Das MPIEA zeigt im Rahmen einer Studie an zwei Tagen eine Auswahl an Animations- und Kurzspielfilmen.


Vortrag im Museum Angewandte Kunst: Schönheit im Gehirn des Betrachters

Was passiert im Gehirn, wenn wir etwas als schön empfinden? Wie viel Schönheit gibt es auf der Welt im Vergleich zu unserem Gehirn? Edward A. Vessel, PhD, Neurowissenschaftler am Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, beschreibt seine Arbeit in der aufstrebenden Disziplin der Neuroästhetik, in der mithilfe bildgebender Verfahren das ästhetische Erleben von Kunstwerken, Natur, Architektur und Musik untersucht wird.


Tutorial on Git and Github

Tutor: Franklenin Sierra, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics 

Location: ThinkTank, 4th floor


The Flow Nexus: Individual Variation in Flow Proneness and its Correlates

Fredrik Ullén, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Being in Flow refers to the enjoyable experience of complete engagement with an activity. Fredrik Ullén, internationally renowned as both a concert pianist and a neuroscientist, will present scientific insights into what characterizes people who frequently experience Flow...


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Charan Ranganath:
Episodic Memory: It's time to get real

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Charan Ranganath is the Director of the Dynamic Memory Lab, UC Davis Center for Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology, UC Davis


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Alexander Todorov:
Modeling Social Perception of Faces

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Todorov, Professor, Associate Chair,  Department of Psychology, Princeton University


Kurzfilmabend 3 x kurz

Das MPIEA zeigt an drei Abenden eine Auswahl an Animations- und Kurzspielfilmen rund um Familie und Beziehung.


Kurzfilmabend 3 x kurz

Das MPIEA zeigt an drei Abenden eine Auswahl an Animations- und Kurzspielfilmen rund um Familie und Beziehung.


Lecture by Gilles Laurent: Neural Motion

Prof. Gilles Laurent, PhD, Director Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Kurzfilmabend 3 x kurz

Das MPIEA zeigt an drei Abenden eine Auswahl an Animations- und Kurzspielfilmen rund um Familie und Beziehung.


Growing up in Academia with Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

From Physics to Zebrafish (with a Nobel Prize along the way)

What is it to be a scientist or scholar? How do I become one? “Growing up in Academia” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz:
The human infant brain: A neural architecture able to learn language

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Ph.D., Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA DRF/I2BM, INSERM, Université Paris-Saclay, NeuroSpin center, 91191 Gif/Yvette, France


Growing up in Science with Erin Schuman and Gilles Laurent

A Love Story. With Brains.

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Gastkommentar im Städel Museum

Kunst und Neurowissenschaften mit David Poeppel


Lecture by Julio Hechavarria: Theta oscillations and the coding
of rhythmic acoustic sequences in the bat brain

Julio Hechavarria, PhD, Neurobiology of Auditory Computations Group (group leader), Institute for Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Goethe Uni

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


IDEA Lecture with Peter Keller:
Psychological and Social Foundations of Human Interaction Through Music

Making music in groups is a widespread human activity and a powerful medium for nonverbal communication, social bonding, and cultural transmission.



Die spielerische Installation Harmonic Dissonance: INsync des Kollektivs  DIKKER + OOSTRIK erforscht eine fundamentale Frage der menschlichen Natur, die gleichfalls im Zentrum künstlerischer, wissenschaftlicher und technologischer Fragestellungen liegt: Was bedeutet es, mit einer anderen Person „verbunden“ zu sein?


Histories of Musical and Poetic Meter

Bringing empirical approaches together with historicist and analytical work, the second meeting of the "Histories of Modern Rhythmic Theory" working group will cultivate new critical and comparative perspectives on historical rhythmic and metric theory. 


4ESTHETICS? 4E/Situated Approaches to (Music) Aesthetics: Challenges and Perspectives

Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
Frankfurt am Main, March 7 – 9, 2019


Lecture by Yuranny Cabral-Calderin: Combining transcranial
alternating current stimulation with fMRI to study bistable perception

Yuranny Cabral-Calderin, Brain Imaging Center, Goethe University  

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


The Brain on Screen

Was passiert in unserem Gehirn, wenn wir Filme schauen? Wie verarbeitet das menschliche Gehirn Filme – und warum ist das Sehen von Filmen genussvoll? Können Filme und das Filmpublikum überhaupt interessante Objekte der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung sein?

Was passiert in unserem Gehirn, wenn wir Filme schauen? Wie verarbeitet das menschliche Gehirn Filme – und warum ist das Sehen von Filmen genussvoll? Können Filme und das Filmpublikum überhaupt interessante Objekte der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung sein?

Video on Brain on Sceen by VICE / HBO


Lecture by Minjung Kim: A Look at Visual Perception

Dr. Minjung Kim, Technical University Berlin


Fechner Lecture mit Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

Im Rahmen der Fechner Lectures laden wir international führende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler nach Frankfurt ein, um einmal jährlich in einem großen, öffentlichen Festvortrag spannende Themen aus der Ästhetik-Forschung zu präsentieren. Die Vorträge finden in englischer Sprache statt, die folgenden Informationen sind daher nur in Englisch verfügbar.


Lecture by Elika Bergelson
The Nascent Lexicon: Word Learning in Infants

Elika Bergelson, PhD
Crandall Family Assistant Professor, Duke University, Psychology & Neuroscience Dept., Center for Cognitive Neuroscience 

Location: ThinkTank, 4th Floor   


Lecture by Steven Brown: Toward a Unification of the Arts

Most cognitive and neuroscientific work on the arts looks at each branch individually, for example music or literature.

Steven Brown, director of the NeuroArts Lab at McMaster University


Lecture by Kyoungseob Byeon:
FMRI analysis methods and auditory cortex parcellation

Kyoungseob Byeon, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea

Location: Think Tank, 4th Floor


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Christian Doeller
Structuring experience in cognitive spaces

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Christian Doeller, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig (Department of Psychology) and at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU, in Trondheim / Norway


Growing up in Science with Jeremy Wolfe

How a summer job turned into a career in visual research

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Lecture by Jeremy M Wolfe: OMG, I did not see that!
The science of missing what is right in front of your eyes

Prof. Jeremy M Wolfe, PhD,                                  

Professor of Ophthalmology & Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Visual Attention Lab; Department of Surgery, Brigham & Women's Hospital    

Location: ThinkTank, 4th Floor       


IDEA Lecture with Raymond MacDonald:
The Art of Becoming: what is improvisation and why is it important

Improvisation is a defining feature of jazz music and a key component of jazz musicians’ musical identity. 


Lecture by Stefan Debener: Towards transparent EEG

Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener,

University of Oldenburg, Department of Psychology, Oldenburg, Germany and Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, Oldenburg, Germany

Location: ThinkTank, 4th floor


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Nikolai Axmacher:
Engram reinstatement and the role of representational format

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher, Research Department of Neuroscience, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Workshop: Analyzing Neurophysiological Data with MNE-Python

A two-day workshop for exploring, visualizing and analyzing human neurophysiological data (EEG, MEG, ECoG) using the open-source Python library MNE  (


Prof. Ofer Tchernichovski (CUNY) Guest Lecture

Prof. Ofer Tchernichovski (CUNY) will be visiting the Computational Auditory Perception Research Group from Jan. 16–23. 


Mr. Eamonn Bell (Columbia) Guest Lecture

Mr. Eamonn Bell (Columbia) will be visiting the Computational Auditory Perception Research Group from Jan. 16–23. 



ArtLab live // Helen Brecht & Jacob Bussmann

Das Stereo Projekt – ein experimenteller Vortrag 


Growing Up in Science with Christian Fiebach

Love at second sight for a career in brain sciences

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Podiumsdiskussion mit Hartmut Rosa

Öffentlicher Programmpunkt der Tagung "Resonanzen. Zwischen Begriff und Idee, Metapher und Phänomen", alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.


Resonanzen. Zwischen Begriff und Idee, Metapher und Phänomen

Tagung am Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik

Unter dem Titel „Resonanzen. Zwischen Begriff und Idee, Metapher und Phänomen“ diskutieren wir aus musikwissenschaftlicher und soziologischer Sicht zu einem Thema, das im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs aktuell Hochkonjunktur hat - dessen Tragfähigkeit jedoch dringend überprüft werden sollte. Die Tagung richtet sich dabei an Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Kultur- und Musikwissenschaft, der Soziologie sowie weitere interessierte Kreise.

Organisiert wird die Tagung von Prof. Dr. Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, Direktorin der Abteilung Musik), Prof. Dr. Karsten Mackensen (Universität Gießen, Institut für Musikwissenschaft) und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fuhrmann (Universität Leipzig, Institut für Musikwissenschaft).


IDEA Lecture with Daniel Müllensiefen
The development of musical talent: Empirical evidence, methodological challenges, and a new model.

The term talent can be problematic when used in the context of musical development because of its biased association with the nature / nurture debate. However, we suggest a new definition of musical talent that is not partisan to either side of that debate but lends itself to empirical investigations of individual differences in terms of speed and ease of musical learning.


Histories of Rhythmic Theories, 1600-present

The inaugural meeting of the working group on histories of rhythmic theory convened by Rick Cohn (Yale University), Roger Grant (Wesleyan University), and Carmel Raz (MPIEA). Additional participants include David E. Cohen (MPIEA), Michael Graf Münster (Kantorei St. Katharinen, Frankfurt), Martin Küster (Independent scholar), Justin London (Carleton College), Marc Perlman (Brown University), Bill Rothstein (CUNY Graduate Center), and Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (MPIEA).


IDEA Lecture with Ram Mall
Conceptualizing intercultural aesthetics with special regard to Indian aesthetics

This paper wants to delineate the important concept of interculturality as clearly as possible. It therefore suggests an alternative way of conceptualizing hermeneutics, avoiding hermeneutics of total identity and of radical difference.



Experimentelle Konzertforschung mit Hindemith-Streichquintett des Frankfurter Museumsorchesters


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Uta Noppeney
How the brain forms a representation of the world across the senses

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Uta Noppeney, PhD, Chair in Computational Neuroscience, University of Birmingham, School of Psychology


Lecture by Philippe Martin
Intonation, prosodic structure and brain waves

Prof. Philippe Martin, French Dept, University of Toronto, LLF, UFRL, Université Paris Diderot

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Growing up in Science with Wolf Singer

How a carpenter discovered his passion for neuroscience

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Lecture by Justin London: Where is the beat in that note?

Prof. Justin London, Carleton College Northfield, MN

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Lecture by Liad Mudrik: Studying the functions
of consciousness: what we know and what we want to know

Dr. Liad Mudrik, Tel Aviv University, School of Psychological Sciences

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Jean-Philippe Rameau Study Day I

Featuring talks by David E. Cohen, Lea Fink, Nathan Martin, and Roberta Vidic, with special guest Ludwig Holtmeier.


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Giulio Tononi:
Sleep: A window on consciousness

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Giulio Tononi, PhD, is Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Consciousness, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine


Cross-Cultural Research in Music Cognition: Methodologies, Pitfalls, and Practices

Over the past few years, cross-cultural research has become an increasingly important tool for understanding the cultural and biological factors that influence music. At the same time, cross-cultural work carries many pitfalls, as the recent history of the comparative human sciences attests, and is therefore vulnerable to (frequently justified) criticism. This workshop aims to address the gulf that can exist between scientists and ethnomusicologists in conceptualizing and interpreting cross-cultural research.


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Erich Schröger:
From Fechner's Psychophysics to Cognitive Neuroscience: a case for mental models

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Prof. Dr. Erich Schröger, Vice Rector for Research and Young Academics, Leipzig University and Professor for Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Leipzig University

Location: Room 417-419, 4th floor


Lecture by Hyojin Park: Neural oscillatory mechanisms in dynamic
information representation during natural audiovisual speech perception

Dr. Hyojin Park, University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, is an expert on neural oscillatory mechanisms associated with human speech and memory.

Location: Conference room 416-419, 4th floor.


Lecture by Virginie van Wassenhove:
Making sense of time in the human mind

Prof. Virginie van Wassenhove, PhD

Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA DRF/Joliot, INSERM, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, NeuroSpin center, 91191 Gif/Yvette, France

Location: Think Tank, 4th floor


Max-Planck-Tag 2018

Wissensdurst – Ein Bar-Abend am Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Colloquium: Nathan Martin, “Two Interesting Examples from Rameau’s Code de musique pratique”

Rameau’s final treatise, the Code de musique pratique (1760), represents, in Erwin Jacobi’s phrase, a summa of the composer’s music-theoretical accomplishments. Yet the Code has attracted far less attention from historians of theory than Rameau’s earlier writings...


Guest Seminar: Jean-Philippe Rameau’s Code de musique pratique (1760)

This seminar will provide an occasion to reflect on the relationship between Rameau’s practical and speculative theorizing (and about that between Geschichte der Musiktheorie and historische Satzlehre more generally), on the evolution of Rameau’s harmonic theory between 1722 and 1760 ...


Workshop on Linear Mixed-Effects Models (LMM)
with Dejan Draschkow

In this workshop, Dr. Dejan Draschkow (Goethe University Frankfurt) will cover the theory and implementation of LLMs in R statistical programming environment.

Location: Art Lab Foyer


Future Histories of Music Theory

A two-day workshop on current trends and future directions in the history of music theory. Participants include: David E. Cohen (MPIEA), Roger Grant (Wesleyan University), Andrew Hicks (Cornell University), Nathan Martin (University of Michigan), Caleb Mutch (Indiana University), Carmel Raz (MPIEA), Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (MPIEA) and Anna Zayaruznaya (Yale University).


Symposium Understanding temporal expectations:
Controversies and consensus

Symposium, organized by Lucia Melloni & Alessandro Tavano

Location: Room 417

Everyone is welcome to attend. Registration is required for logistics. Please register by Monday, July 9 if you plan to attend: Registration and Symposium Program


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Uri Hasson:
Time regained: how the brain accumulates and communicates memories as life unfolds over time?

The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Uri Hasson, Psychology department and the Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University


Growing Up in Science with Leon Deouell

He was going to be a physician but a patient with brain damage changed his path...

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Lecture by Arianna Zuanazzi: The intricate interplay
of spatial attention and expectation – A multisensory perspective

Arianna Zuanazzi, Computational Cognitive Neuroimaging group, Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham


Lecture by Christian Keitel: Visual perception and alpha rhythms
in the brain - new twists in an ongoing story

Dr. Christian Keitel, Centre of Cognitive Neuroimaging (CCNi), University of Glasgow


Lecture by Anne Keitel: How auditory and motor cortices
contribute to speech comprehension

Dr. Anne Keitel,  Centre of Cognitive Neuroimaging (CCNi), University of Glasgow


Lecture by Nina Kazanina: Going Mental

Prof. Nina Kazanina, University of Bristol, Experimental Psychology


IDEA Lecture with Michael McBeath
Empirical Ecologically-Based Aesthetics

I will review my research exploring ecologically-based patterns called Natural Regularities, and the related visual and auditory biases that help observers to rapidly and efficiently parse scenes into meaningful objects.


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Leon Deouell
Seeing the Big Picture: Hierarchy of Automatic Prediction

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Professor Leon Y. Deouell, Jack H. Skirball chair in brain research, Department of Psychology, Edmond and Lily Safra Center for brain research, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Hessen forscht: Was löst Musik bei Ihnen aus?

Musikalisch begleitete Kurzvorträge unserer Wissenschaftler/-innen geben Einblick in unsere Forschung zur Wahrnehmnung von Musik.


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Nicholas Turk-Browne
Rethinking memory systems for statistical learning

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Professor Nicholas Turk-Browne, Department of Psychology, Yale University


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with William Idsardi
How is Phonology different (from Syntax)?

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Professor William J. Idsardi, Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland


Growing Up in Science with David Poeppel

Director at the MPIEA, Professor at NYU, Graduate of MIT, passionate actor… Wait, what?!

What is it to be a scientist? How does one become a scientist? “Growing up in science” is a conversation series with academics at different levels of their career focusing on the sometimes short, sometimes long and winding roads behind the “official CV”.

Presented by Lucia Melloni, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Publikumsforschung: Gesprächskonzert mit Stefan Litwin (Klavier)

Am 12. April ist der Pianist und Komponist Stefan Litwin für ein Forschungskonzert im ArtLab des Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik zu Gast. Der 1960 in Mexico City geborene Stefan Litwin wird an diesem Abend Klavierwerke u.a. von Beethoven, Schönberg und Stockhausen spielen und vom Flügel aus kommentieren. Im Rahmen der Konzert- und Publikumsforschung des Fachbereichs Musik am Institut wird das Publikums-verhalten während des Konzerts aufgezeichnet und später anhand der Videoaufnahmen analysiert.


Das Konzert in der Forschung
Die Lust an der Überraschung. Was Hörer zeitgenössischer Musik erleben

Iris Mencke, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik

Eine Gesprächsreihe in der Alten Oper Frankfurt gemeinsam mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik.


Visual Neuroaesthetics Symposium (VisNA) 2018

In this symposium, we will bring together the experts in the field of visual neuroaesthetics to discuss recent experimental advances and identify new directions for future research. The primary focus will be neuroimaging investigations of visual aesthetic experiences. This includes experiences with visual art, architecture, photography, sculpture, film and dance, as well as non-artistic stimuli such as landscapes, faces and abstract patterns. In addition, work using other neuroscience methods will be included as well as foundational behavioral or computational work that is informative for neuroscientific inquiry and theory.


The Westend Lectures on Brain and Cognition with Andreas Engel:
Role of intrinsic and extrinsic coupling in cognition

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is launching a new lecture series: The WESTEND LECTURES ON BRAIN AND COGNITION will host leading international researchers from the field of Cognition and Neuroscience.The goal is to present cutting edge research, advances in theoretical foundations, and technologies to stimulate an active debate in the field.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andreas K. Engel, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf


Workshop ‚Digital Modelling of Knowledge'

Matteo Valleriani und Florian Kräutli, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte


Das Konzert in der Forschung
Musiker-Darstellungen der Renaissance und ihr Re-enactment

Dr. Elke B. Lange, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik

Eine Gesprächsreihe in der Alten Oper Frankfurt gemeinsam mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik.



Das Konzert in der Forschung
Musik, die universale Sprache der Gefühle? Ein interkulturelles Experiment

Prof. Dr. Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik

Eine Gesprächsreihe in der Alten Oper Frankfurt gemeinsam mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik.


Das Konzert in der Forschung
Neue Konzertformen: Wenn das Publikum am Konzert mitwirkt

Dr. Jutta Toelle, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik

Eine Gesprächsreihe in der Alten Oper Frankfurt gemeinsam mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik.


IDEA lecture with Anne Danielsen
Timing and Sound in Musical Microrhythm: Theoretical, Aesthetic and Empirical Aspects

The first part of the lecture concerns the theoretical framework for analysis of musical microrhythm and addresses some important aesthetic aspects of groove-based music. The second part is a presentation of the first results of empirical research into the perceptual center of musical sounds from the TIME project at the University of Oslo. Ultimately, the lecture will address some challenges linked to research into micro features of rhythm.


Fechner Lecture with Anjan Chatterjee

The annual Fechner Lectures host leading international researchers from the field of Empirical Aesthetics.


Workshop - Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Multivariate Signals

This workshop at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics provides hands-on training for analyzing multivariate timeseries data using Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) techniques in R.

This workshop provides hands-on training for analyzing multivariate timeseries data using Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) techniques in R.

Content-wise, the focus lies on the analysis of timeseries/sequences of joint action and group behavior (such as motion capture, physiological measures, sequences of coded behavior, transcripts etc…) in order to quantify group-dynamics such as synchrony and coupling between individuals, as well as leader-follower relationships. However, the analysis can be applied to any multivariate timeseries data.

To that end, we will introduce RQA techniques – particularly Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis (CRQA) and Multidimensional Recurrence Analysis (MdRQA) – which have been employed in a variety of group- and joint-actions studies. We will provide some theoretical input for participants, but focus on hand-on training with R using simulated and real-world data.

Participants are welcome to bring their own data, which they can analyze during the training sessions or together with the instructors at the end of the workshop.

Instructors are Sebastian Wallot, PhD, Language and Literature, Max Planck Insitute for Empirical Aesthetics, and Giuseppe Leonardi, PhD, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Paderborn University, Germany


Forschungskonzert "Liederabend"

mit Rafael Bruck (Gesang) und Lea Fink (Klavier)

Es kommen zur Aufführung Gedichte von Eduard Mörike, Friedrich Schiller, Joseph von Eichendorff u. a. und Lieder von Hugo Wolf, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann u. a.


IDEA lecture mit Oliver Berli: Grenzüberschreitender Musikgeschmack. Symbolischer Konsum als Mittel der Distinktion und Gegenstand der Legitimation.

Unter dem Begriff der Distinktion verhandelt die Soziologie vielfältige Formen individueller wie kollektiver Besonderung.


Forschungskonzert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Internationalen Ensemble Modern Akademie (IEMA)

Die Musiker der IEMA spielen

Toshi Ichiyanagi: Trio Interlink (1990)
David Fennessy: gut, hair, skin, air (2007)
Iannis Xenakis: Plektó (1993)

Am Dienstag, 12. September 2017, um 19.30 Uhr
im ArtLab des Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik
Grüneburgweg 14, 60322 Frankfurt


Music & Eye-Tracking - What eye movements, pupil dilation, and blinking activity tell us about musical processing

A two-day conference organized by Elke B. Lange and Lauren K. Fink to bring together scholars at the intersection of music and eye-tracking research. August 17th-18th, 2017, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Bruno Laeng, University of Oslo, Norway


IDEA lecture: Daniel Müllensiefen
The psychology of aesthetic experience from three angles: Stimulus features, psychometrics and behavioral economics

Describing aesthetics experiences with scientific models is a complex task, but there seems to be an emerging consensus that three main areas contribute to psychological experiences of aesthetic stimuli: 1) elements of the aesthetic object itself, 2) characteristics of the person, and 3) situational as well as contextual information. Taking music as an example domain we will demonstrate rigorous approaches that allow the construction of empirical models within each of the three areas. 1) We suggest that the comprehensive computational analysis of stimulus features of aesthetic objects can be employed to describe relationships with psychological responses (Jakubowski, Müllensiefen & Stewart, 2016; van Balen et al., 2015). In addition we will discuss new strategies going beyond mere feature analysis to gain a deeper understanding of how elements of the aesthetic object are causally linked to perceptual and cognitive responses. 2) For assessing characteristics of the individual we advocate the use of modern psychometric techniques such as item response theory, automatic item generation and adaptive testing (e.g. Harrison, Collins & Müllensiefen, 2017). Through examples we’ll show how ambiguous empirical results are often caused by fundamental measurement problems and by ignoring individual differences. 3) In addition, we’ll present experimental approaches (Anglada-Tort & Müllensiefen, 2017) inspired by paradigms from behavioral economics (Kahneman, 2011) that aim to assess the degree to which biases and heuristics introduced through the situational context affect human judgements of aesthetic stimuli.
The unifying conceptual bracket of these approaches is a thorough understanding of causality (Pearl, 2011) and its implementation in experimental and observational research. Finally, we’ll make sure the talk will be more fun than this abstract is able to convey!


Neural Oscillations in Speech and Language Processing

Neuere Ergebnisse der auditorischen Neurowissenschaft zeigen, dass neurale Oszillationen sich während der Sprachverarbeitung mit den Rhythmen gesprochener Sprache synchronisieren. Auf höheren Verarbeitungsebenen spiegeln Zyklen kortikaler Erregung und Inhibierung auch Funktionen der syntaktischen und semantischen Verarbeitung wieder. Dieses internationale Symposium bringt führende Sprachforscherinnen und Neurowissenschaftler, die auf dem Feld der neuralen Oszillationen arbeiten, zusammen. Durch intensive Diskussionen und Präsentationen aktueller Arbeiten werden wir die Basis einer einheitlichen Perspektive auf die Rolle neuraler Oszillationen bei der auditorischen Verarbeitung und dem Sprachverständnis legen – vom Phonem bis hin zur Grammatik.

Dieses Symposium findet in englischer Sprache statt.


IDEA lecture mit Steffen Lepa: Die Rolle der Audiomedien für das Emotionserleben beim alltäglichen Musikhören

Musik wird heute im Alltag vorwiegend mit Hilfe von Audiomedien gehört. Diese sich wandelnden Technologien verändern seit über 100 Jahren, wie Musik klingt, wie sie in soziale Kontexte eingebettet werden kann und wie sich ihre Hörer dabei körperlich erfahren. Dennoch wird die Rolle der Audiomedien bei der Entstehung musikalischer Emotionen von der musikpsychologischen Forschung heute noch größtenteils ausgeklammert. Der Vortrag stellt dieser Forschungslücke eigene und fremde empirische Arbeiten transdisziplinärer Audiomedienforschung gegenüber, die versuchen, der spezifischen Rolle der Technologien für den emotionalen Musikgenuss auf die Spur zu kommen.


Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Frankfurter Schulen

Wie wird ästhetischer Geschmack und Mediennutzung erforscht? Exklusive Führung für Lehrkräfte durch das Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik


Ein Tag für die Literatur

"Musik interpretiert Literatur" – eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen des hr2-kultur Festivals "Ein Tag für die Literatur"


IDEA-Lecture mit Ralf von Appen: Zur Ästhetik populärer Musik – Erfahren, Analysieren, Verstehen

IDEA-Lecture mit Ralf von Appen

Dr. Ralf von Appen ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikpädagogik der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Geschichte, Theorie, Analyse und Ästhetik der populären Musik sowie Musikästhetik und Musikpsychologie.

Ausgewählte Publikationen:
Der Wert der Musik. Zur Ästhetik des Populären. (= texte zur populären Musik Bd. 4). Bielefeld: Transcript


Forschungskonzert im ArtLab

Die Musiker der Internationalen Ensemble Modern Akademie (IEMA) spielen Ichiyanagi, Fennessy, Xenakis.


Ständchen, Schlaflied oder Kriegsgeschrei?

Ein Vortrag von Dr. Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, Frankfurt | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Volker Mosbrugger, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt, und Goethe-Universität


IDEA-Lecture mit Frank Hentschel:
Ausdruckstypen in der Orchestermusik des 19. Jahrhunderts

Die expressive Qualität von historischer Musik zu bestimmen, ist ein überaus schwieriges Unterfangen, weil sich kaum Zeugnisse ausfindig machen lassen, die die emotionale Erfahrung von Musik schildern. In dem Vortrag möchte ich ein geplantes Forschungsunternehmen vorstellen, das nach Wegen sucht, diese Schwierigkeit zu überwinden. Das Projekt soll historisch-interpretierende Verfahren mit Methoden der Digital Humanities verknüpfen, indem das Konzept des Musters Anwendung findet. Die Identifizierung von Mustern in der Orchestermusik soll es ermöglichen, die Aussagekraft der nur sporadisch vorliegenden Zeugnisse zu erhöhen.



Scobel: Der Zauber der Schönheit

Winfried Menninghaus zu Gast bei Gerd Scobel im Wissensmagazin auf 3sat.


IDEA lecture mit Wolfgang Auhagen:
Methoden und Ergebnisse der musikalischen Wirkungsforschung

Wolfgang Auhagen, Professor für Systematische Musikwissenschaft an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.


Das Konzert in der Forschung
Wie Programmhefte oder CD-Texte unsere Musikwahrnehmung beeinflussen

Der Vortrag ist Teil einer Gesprächsreihe, die die Alte Oper Frankfurt in der Saison 2015/2016 gemeinsam mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik ins Leben gerufen...


Die Bühne als Labor

Schwitters‘ Ursonate (1923), vorgetragen von Michael Schmid. +++ Zweite Vorstellung um 16:30 Uhr! +++


CONNECT – Das Publikum als Künstler

Aufführungen von The Sonic Great Wall (Huang Ruo) und In the midst of the Sonorous Islands (Christian Mason) im Rahmen des europaweiten Projekts CONNECT – Das Publikum als Künstler; Gegenstand des Forschungsprojekts The audience as artist - investigating participation and interaction in the CONNECT concerts 2016 von Dr. Jutta Toelle und Iris Mencke. 


London, 22.10.2016 (St.John’s Smith Square, London Sinfonietta)

Frankfurt, 30.10.2016 (FrankfurtLab, Ensemble Modern)

s’Hertogenbosch, 05.11.2016 (Muzerije, ASKO|SCHÖNBERG)


Lecture: Justin London

What Is Musical Tempo?


IDEA lecture mit Jürgen Stolzenberg:
Musik und Bewusstsein

Prof. Dr. phil. Jürgen Stolzenberg, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Einer seiner Schwerpunkte in Lehre und Forschung ist die Philosophie der Musik.


Das Konzert in der Forschung
In die Tiefe der Musik hineinhören

Musik und veränderte Bewusstseinszustände

Thijs Vroegh (Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik)


IDEA lectures mit Dagmar Danko:
Zur Soziologie der Ästhetik

Dr. Dagmar Danko lebt und arbeitet als Soziologin in Freiburg und Berlin. Sie ist Sprecherin des Arbeitskreises Soziologie der Künste innerhalb der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.


Workshop: Methods in Empirical Music Research

An intensive five-day workshop for Music Scholars taught by Prof. David Huron
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Daniel Shanahan


Das Konzert in der Forschung
Hören mit den Augen: Wie wir beim Hören sehen und wie das Sehen unser Hören beeinflusst

"Sehen und Hören gelten als zwei ganz verschiedene Sinnesleistungen. Und doch beeinflussen sich beide Systeme der Informationsaufnahme gegenseitig. Dazu vorgestellt werden zwei Studien: Mittels Blickbewegungsmessungen lässt sich zeigen, wie Musik auf unsere Blickbewegungssteuerung wirkt. Wie die Mimik und Gestik von Musikern unser Musikerleben und Urteil beeinflusst, zeigt ein Experiment."

Aus dem Programmheft der Alten Oper, Saison 2015/2016


Michael Wibral: "The neural information dynamics of predictive coding"

Time and location of lecture: 11 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Michael Wibral is professor at the Brain Imaging Center of the Goethe University, Frankfurt.


Lecture by Nori Jacoby: "Discovering Rhythmic Perceptual Priors with Iterated Learning"

Time and location of lecture: 10:30 am, 4th floor, rooms 417–419, MPIEA

Nori Jacoby is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the McDermott Computational Audition Lab in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department at MIT, Boston.


Das Konzert in der Forschung

Fokus Sport: Die lange Nacht
Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann und Dr. Timo Fischinger


IDEA lectures with Meinard Müller
Beethoven, Bach, and Billions of Bytes - Music meets Computer Science

Meinard Müller  studied mathematics (Diplom) and computer science (Ph.D.) at the University of Bonn, Germany.


IDEA lectures with David Hargreaves
Musical likes and dislikes

David Hargreaves ist Professor für Erziehungswissenschaften an der University of Roehampton und Froebel Research Fellow.


Das Konzert in der Forschung
Live, sozial, interaktiv: Das Konzert als besonderes Musikformat

"Das Live-Erleben ist die ursprünglichste Form der Musikrezeption und nach wie vor höchst attraktiv. Woran liegt das? Erleben Musiker und das Publikum ein Konzert auf ähnliche Weise? Wann springt der Funken über? Und welche Ansätze zu neuen Konzertformaten gibt es? Experten aus Praxis und Wissenschaft geben Antwort."

Aus dem Programmheft der Alten Oper


About Brain and Language von David Poeppel

Nijmegen Lectures: (Un)conventional Wisdom: 3 Neurobiological Provocations 


Friedman im Gespräch mit Winfried Menninghaus

"Was ist Schönheit? Warum zieht uns das Schöne in seinen Bann? Wie beeinflussen unsere Sehgewohnheiten unser ästhetisches Urteil? Was unterscheidet Schönheit von Kitsch? Was macht Sprache schön? Winfried Menninghaus ist Komparatist und Gründungsmitglied des Max-Planck-Institus für empirische Ästhetik in Frankfurt am Main."

Aus dem Spielplan des Schauspiel Frankfurt, Spielzeit 2015/16



Lecture by Frank Russo: “Oscillatory brain dynamics underlying perception of pitch, rhythm and emotion in music and speech"

Time and location of lecture: 11 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Frank Russo, director of the SMART Lab in Ryerson University, is visiting the Department of Neuroscience on the 9-10th of December 2015. On this occasion, he will participate in the IDEA lectures serials with the above talk.


IDEA lectures: Oscillatory brain dynamics underlying perception of pitch, rhythm and emotion in music and speech

Vom 9. bis 10. Dezember ist Frank Russo, Direktor des SMART Lab in Ryerson University, Gast der Abteilung Neurowissenschaften. Während seines  Aufenthalts wird er in der Reihe IDEA lectures einen Vortrag halten.


IDEA lectures: Manfred Bierwisch (ZAS und HU Berlin)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Manfred Bierwisch über semiotische Bedingungen und Konsequenzen in Sprache, Musik und Bild.


Lecture by Richard Prum: "The Evolution of Beauty: From Warblers to Warhol”

Time and location of lecture: 2 pm, 4th floor, MPIEA

Richard Prum ist Professor an der Yale Universität in der Abteilung Ökologie und Evolutionsbiologie. Momentan hält er sich für ein paar Monate im Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin auf.


Neuroscience lecture by Richard Prum: "The Evolution of Beauty: From Warblers to Warhol”

Richard Prum is Professor at Yale University in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and will give a lecture about warblers and their plumage. At the moment, he is at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.


Lecture by Holger Hennig: "When the beat goes off: Synchronization in human musical rhythms"

Time and place of event: 9:45 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Dr. Holger Hennig is visiting us from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen from the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics & Network Dynamics Group.


Neuroscience lecture by Dr. Holger Hennig: "When the beat goes off: Synchronization in human musical rhythms"

Dr. Holger Henning (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen from the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics & Network Dynamics Group) is a physicist with expertise in image analysis, biostatistics, human musical rhythms and innovation management.


Lecture by Ulrich Pilatus: "MR Spectroscopy"

Time and location of lecture: 10 am, 4th floor, MPIEA

Dr. Ulrich Pilatus is holding a Master degree in Physics and works as a Senior Researcher at the Brain Imaging Center in Frankfurt.


Neuroscience lecture by Dr. Ulrich Pilatus: "MR Spectroscopy"

Dr. Ulrich Pilatus is holding a Master degree in Physics and works as a Senior Researcher at the Brain Imaging Center in Frankfurt. 


Musik – Erleben im Konzert

Warum kaufen wir uns eine Eintrittskarte, um elegant gekleidet in einen Konzertsaal zu gehen und Musik zu hören? Wir könnten ja auch jederzeit in unserem Wohnzimmer eine CD mit der Aufnahme unserer Lieblingsstücke und -orchester hören, ohne Huster, Rascheln oder störenden Zwischenbeifall. Was macht den Unterschied in unserem subjektiven Empfinden aus? Liegt der Unterschied vielleicht darin, dass wir hier das Werden der Musik gemeinsam live verfolgen können? Dass wir sehen können, wie die Musikerinnen und Musiker sie mit vollem Körpereinsatz und expressiver Mimik hervorbringen? Dass der Funke zwischen Bühne und Publikum von Reihe zu Reihe überspringt? Doch was genau passiert eigentlich dabei? Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik in Frankfurt (M) sowie die Kuratorin für Musikinstrumente im Deutschen Museum gehen diesen und anderen Fragen nach.

Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Grimm, Dr. Jutta Toelle, Silke Berdux

Gastgeber: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Museum



IDEA lectures
Die Hand des Stechers

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Rheinberger über die Begegnung zwischen dem Wissenschaftsphilosophen Gaston Bachelard und dem Kupferstecher Albert Flocon.


Das Konzert in der Forschung:
Die Lust an der Wiederholung und der Reiz der Veränderung: Was Variationszyklen in Körper, Geist und Seele bewirken

Die Variationsform zählt zu den erfolgreichsten musikalischen Formerfindungen überhaupt. Liegt das vielleicht auch daran, dass sie dem Hörer eine ganz spezielle Lust verschaffen kann? Wir suchen nach Indizien in der musikalischen Erlebensforschung und der Neurowissenschaft.

Dr. Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann

Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, Direktorin der Abteilung Musik

"Das Konzert in der Forschung" (youtube Video) 


Kreative Schreibprozesse: Techniken und Sprachverständnis bei der Kreation und Manipulation literarischer Texte

Innerhalb der empirischen Literaturwissenschaft werden Texte immer wieder gezielt verändert um bestimmte Effekte messbar machen zu können. Solche Veränderungen können aber zu Verzerrungen und konfundierenden Effekten führen. Der aktive Austausch mit Schriftstellern und Lehrenden aus dem Bereich des Kreativen Schreibens soll dazu beitragen solche Störvariablen bei der experimentellen Textmanipulation besser ausschließen und das jeweilige Stimulus-Material besser kontrollieren zu können.
