


Wie musikalische Klänge auf dem Weg durch das Gehirn zu Emotionen werden – Seung-Goo Kim erklärt auf der ICMPC17-APSCOM7 Konferenz in Tokio, wie diese Frage geklärt werden kann.


In der Reihe "Gastkommentar" eröffnen Expert:innen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft aus Lebens-, Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften den Besuchern individuelle Sichtweisen auf die Werke des Städel Museums.


Fechner Lectures

The Fechner Lectures will host leading international researchers from the field of Empirical Aesthetics. So we cordially invite you to our first lecture.



Lea Letzel mit Akiko Ahrendt (Geige) und Florian Zwißler (analoge Synthesizer)

Vollständige Performance


Lea Letzel mit Akiko Ahrendt (Geige) und Florian Zwißler (analoge Synthesizer)



Alexander Tillegreen



Neural Oscillations in Speech and Language Processing

NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, Breda, NL and Tilburg University, NL Website | Contact

Concerted action in the brain's language network: unification or prediction?


College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Sciences, Zhejiang University, CN | Website | Contact

Neural Representation of Hierarchical Structures in Speech


Biomedical Engineering & Hearing Research Center, Boston University, US | Website | Contact

Oscillation-based models of speech perception: pressing questions


Department of Neuroscience, University of Geneva, CH | Website | Contact

Speech processing in auditory cortex with and without oscillations


School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, GB | Website | Contact

Searching for memory in brain waves – The synchronization/desynchronization Conundrum


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, DE | Website | Contact

Transcranial current stimulation with speech envelopes enhanced intelligibility


Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham, GB | Website | Contact

Coupling between frontal gamma and posterior alpha oscillations support language prediction


Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow, GB | Website | Contact

Visual facilitation of auditory encoding and the role of slow network activity


Dynamical Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, Nathan Kline Institute, Orangeburg, US | Website | Contact

Dynamics and function of neuronal oscillatory entrainment in the auditory system


School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, GB & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL | Website | Contact

Linking linguistic and cortical computation via hierarchy and time


Department of Neurology, NYU School of Medicine, US and Department of Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, DE | Website | Contact

Learning to uncover structure: insights from intracranial EEG


Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, DE | Website | Contact

The Purpose of Synchronicity: Neural Oscillations Align Excitability with Linguistic Informativeness


Department of Psychology, University of Lübeck, DE | Website | Contact

Comprehending the patterns: Patterns of comprehension


Radboud University, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and Radboud University Medical Center, Department of Medical Psychology, Nijmegen, NL | Website | Contact

Oscillations as a bridge between language and other cognitive domains


Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, DE | Website | Contact

Internal rhythms to sentences


CerCo-CNRS, Toulouse, FR | Website | Contact

Perceptual cycles in vision and audition


Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA DRF/I2BM, INSERM, Paris-Sud University, Paris-Saclay University, NeuroSpin center, Gif/Yvette, FR | Website | Contact

Neural oscillations: reconciling timing and meaning


Research on Dance

Setting the stage for the event Dance/Research

Julia F. Christensen 


City, University of London: Towards a Sensorimotor Approach of Performing Arts

Beatriz Calvo-Merino


Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics: Tracking Aesthetic Responses to Dance

Edward Vessel


Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics: Expressivity Triumphs Aesthetics

Julia F. Christensen


Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company: Aesthetic Expectations on Dance

Luisa Sancho Escanero


An international team of dancers and researchers come together to try out whether you can DANCE YOUR EMOTION


Studien: Chills

Hier geht’s zum Film der Studie
(Deutsche Fassung)


Visual Neuroaesthetics Symposium (VisNA) 2018

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Art, energy and the brain.


Bar-Ilan University

Lasting primacy in the proactive brain.


Universitat de les Illes Balears

The ghost of aesthetics past: The evolutionary origins of humans’ aesthetic valuation can inform the next wave of neuroaesthetics


New York University

Beauty requires thought.


Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

The role of the default-mode network in visual aesthetic experiences.


University of Milano-Bicocca

Neural basis of aesthetic evaluation: insight from non-invasive brain stimulation.


Korea University

Learning, familiarity, and context: Internal and external factors shaping perceptual and neural responses to visual artworks.


City, University of London

Embodied aesthetics and sensorimotor experience.


University of Glasgow

The embodied neuroaesthetics of dance.


University of London

Towards a neuroaesthetics of live performance.


Universität Wien

Beyond mere beauty - varieties of aesthetic experiences and their brain responses.


Universität Wien

Can you really feel what I do? Investigating the possibility for emotion sharing between artists and viewers, through visual art.


Wissenschaft live am MPIEA

"Wissenschaft live: Musik und Literatur gehen unter die Haut!"


Daniela Sammler

Vortrag zum Tag für die Musik und die Literatur 2021


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Jordan Suchow and Matthew Wilkes


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Matthew Wilkes and Jordan Suchow


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Jesse Snyder


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Matthew Wilkes and Jordan Suchow


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Jesse Synder


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Jordan Suchow


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Matthew Wilkes


Workshop: Massive Online Data Collection with Dallinger

Nori Jacoby


Weitere Videos

In der Reihe "Gastkommentar" eröffnen Expert:innen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft aus Lebens-, Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften den Besuchern individuelle Sichtweisen auf die Werke des Städel Museums.


Daniela Sammler

Folge 85 des Max Planck Florida Neurotransmission Podcast – dieses Mal geht es um neurokognitive Funktionen im Zusammenhang mit Sprache und Musik, wie sie sich gegenseitig ergänzen könnten und wie wir Hirnaktivität während komplexer Aufgaben wie dem Klavierspielen in einem fMRI aufzeichnen können.


Daniela Sammler (Wissenschaft) & Patricia Izbicki (Musik)

Die „Science Meets Music“ Reihe des Max Planck Florida Instituts für Neurowissenschaften vereint Neurowissenschaftler, die über ihre Entdeckungen sprechen, und Musiker, die strahlende Konzerte geben. Diese Veranstaltung präsentiert „Wie das Gehirn Musik spielt“ – sowohl im Labor als auch auf der Bühne.


Daniela Sammler

Die biologischen Wurzeln unserer Musikalität – erklärt auf dem BIOTOPIA Festival „Sinne“ in München.


Daniela Sammler

Neuronale Vorgänge beim Klavierspielen kurz erklärt


Daniela Sammler

Folge 5 der neuen Wissensserie für Jugendliche „Sound & Science“ des Gewandhauses zu Leipzig


Daniela Sammler

Neuronale Vorgänge beim Klavierspielen


Lucia Melloni

Join Richard Brown for a discussion with Lucia Melloni, Liad Mudrik, and Michal Pitts as they discuss COGITATE – an innovative Open Science, preregistered adversarial collaboration focused on arbitrating between two leading theories of consciousness, Integrated Information Theory (IIT) and Global Neuronal Workspace theory (GNW).


Yasuhiro Sakamoto

Am 19. April 2021 stellten Yasuhiro Sakamoto und Felix Jäger den Sammelband „Bilder als Denkformen“ vor, in dem erstmals aktuelle bildwissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Japan und Deutschland miteinander in Dialog treten.


Lucia Melloni

BrainMind Summit: Consciousness Day at Stanford


Lucia Melloni

Debate between Andy Clark, David Heeger, Lucia Melloni and Michael Rescorla at NYU. Moderated by Ned Block. Sponsored by the NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness.



Ina Wittmann

Ina Wittmann

Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit


+49 69 8300479-653


Ingrid Banciu

Ingrid Banciu

Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Referentin Interne Kommunikation

+49 69 8300479-651


Sara Bertsche

Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit


+49 69 8300479-652


Keyvan Sarkhosh

Dr. Keyvan Sarkhosh

Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Forschungskoordination / Leiter Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

+49 69 8300479-650
