Additional Insurances
Here you'll find information on other kinds of insurance, such as liability insurance, household contents insurance, accident insurance, and retirement benefits:

Here you'll find information on other kinds of insurance, such as liability insurance, household contents insurance, accident insurance, and retirement benefits:
Foreign nationals taking up employment—including doing research—in Germany, require a visa.
If you are planning to stay in Germany for more than 3 months, you must register your residence within two weeks...
To open a bank account you will need the following...
Every person residing in Germany is required to have health insurance.
Information on liability insurance, household contents insurance, accident insurance, retirement benefits
Finding an apartment in Frankfurt can be a challenge, but we will be happy to assist you in the process.
This is the broadcasting fee (Rundfunkbeitrag), which covers public television and radio programming in Germany...
Permission to operate a motor vehicle in Germany is regulated by a number of different factors depending on where your license was issued.
Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik
Grüneburgweg 14
60322 Frankfurt am Main