Progress portal
A collection of selected R scripts
Introduction to R
- An introduction to R and its basic syntax, with links to a number of online references for various purposes. HTML slides rendered using R Presentation and knitR. Press right and left arrow keys for scrolling, letter O for showing an overview of slides.
⤷ An-Introduction-To-R.html (Opens in a new window)
- An Introduction to Tidy R, Data Wrangling and Transformations, with links to a number of online references for various purposes. PDF slides rendered using R Markdown and knitR with a Latex Beamer interface.
⤷ AB-Introduction-Tidy-R.pdf
R Scripts for generating Graphical Plots
- R Script to generate a circular plot
⤷ R_CircularGraph.html
- R Script to generate balloon plots, bar graphs, facetted plots etc. The script also uses a couple of functions from the data.table and dplyr packages for data munging operations.
⤷ IntensityPlot.html
- R Script to generate balloon plots, bar graphs, facetted plots etc. This time, using tidyverse.
⤷ IntensityPlot-Tidy.html
- An R Notebook with script chunks and the plots they generated ... balloon plots, bar graphs, facetted plots and circular graph.
⤷ VariousPlots.html
See http://rug.mnhn.fr/seewave/ for plotting audio files (depends on audio and tuneR pacakges for playing/recording them)
R Scripts for use with AWK's two-way IO Pipeline
The R scripts in this section are supportive scripts that are called by awk scripts. See the AWK section for examples of these. As such, these R scripts are very simple scripts; but they are indicated as executables by the hashbang line #!/usr/bin/RScript and with executable file permissions. The beauty lies in the fact that these work in tandem with awk scripts that produce the input for them dynamically.- R Scripts to produce basic descriptive statistics etc. These read their input from the shell (to which awk has piped its output) and returns the output back to the shell (and in turn awk). These are supportive scripts for the Two way IO pipeline awk scripts that depend upon them.
⤷ R_RunR_BasicDescStats.html
⤷ R_RunR_MaxMin.html
⤷ R_RunR_SD.html
R Scripts for Behavioural Data Statistics
- R Script to perform statistical analysis of behavioural responses collected from an EEG experiment with a 2 x 4 factorial design
⤷ R_Behavdata-Kurinji.html
R Scripts for EEG Statistics -- EEProbe Data
- R Script to perform statistical analysis for EEG data extracted using EEProbe from a 3-condition non-factorial design
⤷ R_TnsAgr_Condition.html
- R Script to perform statistical analysis for EEG data extracted using EEProbe from a 2 x 2 factorial design
⤷ R_Lexdec_LX_GD.html
- R Script to perform statistical analysis for EEG data extracted using EEProbe from a 2 x 3 factorial design
⤷ R_Dhesh_ND_WO_ST.html
- R Script to perform statistical analysis of EEG data extracted using EEProbe from a 2 x 4 factorial design
⤷ R_KurinjiD_WO_ST_CT.html
- R Script to perform statistical analysis of EEG data extracted using EEProbe from a 2 x 2 between-subjects factorial design
⤷ R_NeuroFemi_ST_WO_BetweenSubjects.html
- R Script to perform statistical analysis of EEG data extracted using EEProbe -- the main script working behind the scenes and actually calculates statistics and produces a PDF output. (Original script from the late 90s from MPI Leipzig by an unknown author; inherited, adapted and maintained by me).
⤷ R_main.html
Any and all scripts available on these pages or snippets thereof can be freely copied, reused, redistributed and modified, provided it is exclusively for non-commercial scientific research purposes. Unless otherwise explicitly mentioned in the header block, none of the scripts or snippets provided on these pages involve copyrighted material from or intellectual property of other unacknowledged sources.
Presentation is a registered trademark, owned by Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., CA, USA.
Whilst the scripts and code snippets provided here are intended to be useful in the broader pursuit of science, they are provided 'as is', with no warranty of any sort, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the author(s) or the Institute be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the scripts provided on these pages or the use or other dealings in the scripts. Comments, criticisms and suggestions for improvements are always welcome. Please get in touch with Dr. R. Muralikrishnan in this regard. Copyleft (ↄ) R. Muralikrishnan (only for the scripts and code snippets on these pages).